I am so so bad at writing reports, and I know this is really really late (our boy is already past one year), but anyways, I’ll just write a brief one.
9kg as of last visit at the PD’s
Still 4 in total: 2 central top and bottom incisors.
Motor Skills
- Has started taking a few baby steps, but is still not brave enough to go further.
- Crawling skills have improved, and I think Pete and I have lost some weight ourselves just chasing after him when he crawls.
- Able to consciously turn on the light button on his Graco music/light box which is fixed on his cot.
Communication & Social Skills
- The words “Daddy” and “Mommy” are beginning to sound clearer now.
- Can wave bye-bye, but only to the baby-sitter.
- Is quite possessive of his toys and stuff he holds. When we take it away from him, he will scream loudly in protest.
- Shows affection to Pete and me by biting us. I have had so many bite marks on me… it starts off looking red and the next day it will be blue-black.
Started introducing egg yolk to Ethan. Also, pasta…but it appears like he doesn’t really dig pasta, preferring porridge instead. Pete reckons Ethan will soon grow to love chicken rice. Just like daddy.
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