After some fiddling and twiddling, ….. we are proud to unveil a brand new site for Ethan, entirely owned by us! 🙂 Nice or not? 😀
Yes, yes…that’s why I have not been posting anything in the past couple of weeks. Busy playing around with my new toy, … ahem …site!
By the way, all the old posts are still available in this new site (I managed to migrate them over from the old blogger site) so please update your bookmarks and links accordingly. I’ve also enabled COMMENTS on this site, since I have received feedback that my faithful readers (Ethan’s aunties and uncles, grandpas and grandmas) all are itching to say stuff but could find no way of saying it. So there… commenting is available now… (postdated commenting also available, so if you want to comment on previous posts, feel free to do so!)
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Congratulations on the move!!
Joyce says: Thank you! 🙂 Feels good to move too!
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