Bible Verse of the Day

It’s your birthday!

Scrap Credits
Choco-Noisette from Kawouette
Boxed words from Chantal
Delight Series Red Inked Alphas & Let’s Scrabble Alphas from Foxy Designs

Ethan woke up today at about 7:15a.m., yawned and stretched and when he saw me, he sat up in bed, reached his arms out towards me, and gave me a big hug. I put on his Baby Einstein’s Meet the Orchestra for him to watch for a while, and he said “wee wee” (that’s how he says “TV”). 😛

You’re two today, baby…. and your smile will always melt my heart. 

I’m so excited because I have a date with him this afternoon, just the two of us.  I am taking the second half of today off to spend some quality birthday time with my boy.

Happy, happy birthday, Ethan boy, with all the hugs, love and kisses in the world!

  1. KittyCat’s avatar

    Happy 2nd Birthday, Ethan! Love, Your Twin 🙂

    Joyce says: That’s a cute way to put it! Thanks! I hope they will both be able to meet up one day.


  2. Vien’s avatar

    Happy Birthday, Ethan boy! 🙂

    Joyce says: Thanks Vien! No sign of baby yet?


  3. Angeleyes’s avatar

    Happy birthday Ethan!

    Joyce says: Thanks Angeleyes!


  4. Hooi Ling’s avatar

    Happy Birthday Ethan boy! Auntie Hooi Ling also has a small pressie for you, unfortunately both your mommy and I were too busy too meet up, it’s going to be belated pressie for you. Dont mind ya!

    Ethan Boy says: Thank you Aunty Hooi Ling! I don’t mind as long as I get to tear the wrappers! kekeke…


  5. slavemom’s avatar

    A vy Happy 2nd Birthday to Ethan!

    Joyce says: Thanks!


  6. Angie’s avatar

    Happy Happy Birthday to Ethan.

    Joyce says: Thanks Angie! Can’t believe how time has flown, huh?


  7. Sting’s avatar

    happy birthday Ethan boy! 🙂

    Joyce says: Thank you!


  8. chinnee’s avatar

    so quickly time passed…..happy birthday to baby Ethan :p

    Joyce says: Thanks Chinnee! Soon he won’t be considered a baby anymore…. 🙂


  9. Shireen’s avatar

    May you have many more happy b’days Ethan boy!

    BTW, I’m taking you for a train ride round the world here :

    Joyce says: Thank you Shireen!


  10. WS’s avatar

    Happy Birthday Ethan

    Joyce says: Thanks WS!


  11. ablogaway’s avatar

    Hope you have a great birthday, Ethan. Your mommy did a very beautiful scrap for you, very unique!

    Joyce says: Thanks Irene! I’m sure he had an enjoyable time! 🙂


  12. Susan’s avatar

    Happy Birthday Ethan!

    Joyce says: Thanks Susan!


  13. Pei Sze’s avatar

    Happy Birthday!

    Joyce says: Thanks Pei Sze!


  14. Bart’s avatar

    Happy Belated 2nd Birthday Ethan! From Angie, Julian & Bart

    Joyce says: Thank you, thank you, thank you!


  15. rinnah’s avatar

    Hope you had a blast on your birthday, Ethan boy!

    Luv n hugs from rinnah jie.

    Joyce says: I’m sure he did 🙂



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