From the moment I saw Pete measure out 5ml of the Zinnat antibiotic into the syringe, ready for feeding Ethan with, I knew something was not right. The mere smell of the medicine was revolting enough, and the consistency of it was that of a emulsified solution, whitish, thick and gooey, as if it was made from crushed tablets dissolved in some liquid. This morning was supposed to be the first of 10 antibiotic doses we were to feed Ethan over a period of 5 days, after the first course of antibiotics didn’t do the trick.
So anyway, we tried feeding it to Ethan… here’s the procedure we employed. I would sit Ethan down and gently tell him that Mommy was going to take him for his antibiotic feed now. I would reassure him that it was for his own good and wellbeing, and that it would make him feel better. But the moment he saw Daddy with the syringe in hand, he started struggling and screaming. Nevertheless, we managed to pump the entire 5ml into his throat….. but…. no sooner had we done that, Ethan threw up the entire contents of it on the floor. Well, so much for trying then. We had to turn to the other alternative.
I called Dr Jessica when I was at work today, and told her that we had decided to take Ethan for the antibiotic jab instead, since he didn’t take at all kindly to the oral method. The jab would be 3 doses in total, and Ethan had already had the first dose yesterday. Pete and I had a quick lunch and fetched Ethan from Mrs Tan’s. We reached GMC slightly past 12:30p.m. and I took Ethan straight up to Dr Jessica’s clinic. It was a good thing she was still there and she managed to check on Ethan real quick. She said the infection in the right ear had gone down (yippee!!) but the left ear was still slightly red. She told me to bring Ethan in on Thursday, a day after the 3-day antibiotic course would have been completed.
We then went up to the pediatric ward with the prescription and after a short wait, Ethan had his second jab. Even though he cried out loud, I am very proud of him for being such a brave boy. The jab was all over in a matter of seconds…. Two-thirds of the way through now … 🙂
Ethan fell asleep on the way back to the baby sitter’s. I just called Mrs Tan and she told me that Ethan’s appetite was returning as he was eating more of the mee suah now. And that is a good sign, yes?
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Aiyo, poor boy. Why can’t they make the meds taste as good as the ones here in the States? You should ask your doc if that is do-able ‘cos a lot of kids over here don’t mind taking their meds. They have many flavors. Once Belle had strawberry flavored antibiotics. Everytime she sees her med (be it anti-histamine, cold, fever meds) she will say, “Juice!”
Joyce says: I think it is the syringe rather than the taste of the medicine he doesn’t like…
Feeding kids medicine is tough. Bryan used to throw up his medicine. So we find ways to distract him while feeding medicine. It works best when he is not paying attention to what we were doing. And feed in small doses, over a longer period of time. If u feed the entire dose in at one go, they’ll force themselves to vomit.
Hope Ethan will get well soon.
Joyce says: We already tried the *distraction* method. Only worked ONCE. After that he was smart enough to know what we were up to….hmmm… must be all the breast milk he had taken eh? *wink*
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