As you might well already know, I am forever on the lookout for recipes to try out that are simple yet able to please my fussy little eater. I know that Ethan goes bananas over bananas 😛 , so I figured he would love banana pancakes. And since I knew that KittyCat‘s Lucas (who is exactly the same age as Ethan in terms of birthdate) adores banana pancakes, I got hold of her very simple recipe and I decided to try making them last weekend.
The recipe did not require much slaving around the kitchen and soon the aroma of fresh banana pancakes filled our entire household. Ethan was all interested to see me cook, as well as to see what I had placed on the table. One look at the stack of pancakes and he exclaimed, “Peh-tah!”. Gosh, he thought I had made pizza!
Unfortunately though, his enthusiasm did not last long, and he was only interested in playing with the pancakes. He simply didn’t like them, even after Pete and I purposely announced how yummy they were! He didn’t even want that cute little mini one I made for him….see the one at the top of the pile? It looks like a turtle, doesn’t it?
In the end, Pete and I finished all the pancakes and Ethan was ecstatic to eat a banana all by himself.
SIGH. I tried making another batch of banana pancakes on Sunday too, this time with TWO bananas instead of one. It tasted better, but still, I did not get the expected response from Ethan.
He preferred to prance around in his BEAR mask instead. How?
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aiyoh… why Ethan don’t wanna eat? I love banana pancakes!
Maybe you should quickly go get some cute cookie cutters and cut them so he will be happy to eat???Joyce says: Thing is, I don’t think he is that into cute shapes. I could be wrong, but so far the shapes I have cut for him, he’s just not interested. I haven’t tried those cute Mickey Mouse shapes though.
you can try steamed babana cake too.
recipe at says: Thanks! The cake looks really easy to make! I just might try it some day!
Aiyo…poor thing! Can imagine how it is when that nice pile was cooked and yet he didn’t take to it. It’s even better he likes fresh bananas 🙂
Have you tried making a banana and peanut butter sandwich? I love it but Lucas doesn’t. Ethan may like it since it’s fresh bananas…
Just slice them in circles and arrange on a slice of bread spread with PB!
Joyce says: I love banana & PB sandwiches too! And you know, they taste great too when the bread is toasted. Unfortunately I can’t give it to Ethan just yet, cos I am holding off the introduction of peanuts to him till he is 4 or 5.
It’s hard to please fussy eaters yea? My younger boy, Jaden is the same age as Ethan, so I know exactly how you feel. I hope to make more pancakes in the future too. Just ordered a Pooh pancake mould and sauce pens to make the face. Hopefully, it’ll be more pleasing to him :p
Joyce says: Oh yeah? Let me know how that Pooh-faced pancake turns out and if it appeals to your boy 🙂
oh! I love love love bananas pancakes. But I dont make them cos the kids don’t like them lumpy. I made them banana bread though. Maybe you ease him into banana bread before the banana pancake? While my kids love bananas, they don’t like banana pancake all that much.
Joyce says: Maybe Ethan is like your kids too, eh? He adores bananas….. thanks for the pointers. I might try banana bread or banana cake soon.
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