The weekend is here, oh how we have missed it. Our Saturdays are more or less routinely planned out each week. In the mornings, we’ll all go out together and Hannah and I will be dropped off at her parent-toddler class. While we are at the class, Daddy will take Ethan for a *bonding session*. They’ll either go for a quick exercise session, some football in the park, or lately, sometimes they’ll just take the car for a wash.
Anyway, I’ve come to realize that I have not been posting any pictures of Hannah enjoying her parent-toddler class, because the fact is she really does! She looks forward to her class every week and would cheerfully wave goodbye as Daddy drives away. She’s always asking to go to “Teacher Puva’s class” and will happily participate in all the activities. Sometimes she will even volunteer to “go first” in some of the group activities.
Hannah intently cutting up some pretend fruits and vegetables with her pretend knife…
Fun with arts and crafts…
Water play can be methodical too. High level of concentration needed here.
Hannah loves a good story, and the pretty stickers she gets afterward.
And here are a couple of pictures of when Ethan and Daddy went for a short visit to the Botanical Gardens during the recent Floral Festival.
Isn’t it marvelous to see the kids happy that way? 🙂
Our Saturday lunches are almost certainly our favorite chicken rice at Fatty Loh. Even the kids know that by now. Then again, kids thrive on routines.. 🙂
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