Scrap Credits
Natural Freshness Kit from Manue Designs
Boys & Girls Corner Alphas from Nathan Design
It’s Only Natural Alphas from Scrappy Bug
13.5 kilos
92cm (she has grown!!)
I just noticed that her 4 back pramolars have begun to emerge. So she’s going to get 19 teeth soon. Right now, she has 4 incisors on the upper jaw, 3 incisors bottom jaw; 2 canines upper jaw, 2 canines bottom jaw; 4 pramolars and 4 more back pramolars are making their appearance slowly but surely. This would explain the bout of “nightmarish screamings”.
Developmental Milestones
- Hannah is learning very quickly, judging by the amount of questions she asks all the time. She asks Why, Who, What, Where, How endlessly and is fast becoming a chatterbox. She is always fighting for “talk time” with her brother.
- She takes pride in her achievements, however big or small they are. If she discovers a particular pose (e.g. stand on one leg while lifting both hands up), she would do it and proudly and loudly proclaim, “See, I can do this!”
- Hannah is showing a certain degree of shyness with people she is not familiar with or people whom she chooses to be shy with. If she doesn’t want to verbally say hi, she would be contented just to wave.
- Stubbornness is beginning to show and she has exhibited instances where she adamantly wants to get her own way.
- Loves (jigsaw) puzzles and can occupy herself doing it.
- Loves to point out little girls who “look like her” in videos she watches. She’ll ask us, “Which one is like me, Mommy?”
- Curious and inquisitive. When I take her around, she’ll almost always ask, “Where are we going now, Mommy?” or “Where are we going first, Mommy?”, followed by “Then?” 🙂
Toilet Training
Very keen on peepeeing and poopooing in the toilet, even when we are not at home. I need to get her those trainers soon so that she can utilize them properly when we are outside.
As soon as we come home from anywhere at all, she has a habit of going to the toilet and putting her kiddy toilet seat on the toilet bowl, and then she will carry the step stool by herself next to the toilet bowl and climb on it by herself.
Food and Feeding
Still very much a food lover and is not choosy when it comes to food.
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