Bible Verse of the Day

About Our Little Miracles

God blessed us with three precious little miracles who have brought us joy beyond our wildest imagination and happiness every single day.
Ethan was born on January 31 2006 at 3:43p.m., Hannah was born on March 2 2009 at 2:17p.m. and Emma was born on March 11 2013 at 4:30a.m.

Captured here are stories, anecdotes, our thoughts and feelings about how they have truly, amazingly transformed our lives forever.

I hope you will enjoy reading about our Little Miracles as much as I have enjoyed sharing our precious  moments with you.  Feel free to drop me a comment or personal feedback anytime.

You can also read about my personal thoughts and experiences in my personal blog: Giddy Tigers

My email:

Elegant word art (in your heart forever) from Bethany