Bible Verse of the Day

Facebook prompted me with photos of this memorable experience exactly a year ago today.  We had a truly fun-filled, albeit super HOT HOT HOT day at Escape Theme park!


The kids have grown so much since then, but I will forever treasure these memories we made…hopefully soon we will be able to visit Escape once again!

Prior to Christmas, Emma made a list of things she would like to do before or by Christmas.  One of them was to bake gingerbread men.

And I only discovered we had time yesterday, on Christmas Day itself, to do it….so it was a fun home activity we did.  The process took a little longer than I had envisioned, because the dough had go be chilled and hardened, and then rolled out, and cut and then chilled again, before they could be baked.


So we made some gingerbread men, and some gingerbread women, trees, snowmen, candy canes…

The fun part was piping the sugar icing on them to decorate!


Peter took the kids out to the mall yesterday, purportedly to get my Christmas present, so I wasn’t allowed to go along.

The kids had not gone out in a long while, even more so to the malls, since the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and we stayed at home most of the time.




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They sure had a lot of fun out …although no one wanted to share much about where or what they did…Hmmmmmmm….

Meanwhile, back home, I finished up on all the gift-wrapping and the kids were thrilled and overjoyed to discover presents under the tree when they got home!


We will be having a cozy and quiet(er) Christmas celebration this year, just the five of us.  Nevertheless, it does not take away the magic and joy of Christmas and truly, Jesus is the reason for the season!

I just realised that it has been more than TWO YEARS since I updated this blog… so guilty of not doing something I love!

I only pray that I will have more time to fill this blog with even more precious memories moving forward. ♥

Meanwhile, I would like to share a video I compiled which we recently did as a family… I love that everyone contributed to this and it will truly be a memory to be cherished forever.

Here’s wishing everyone a blessed Christmas this year and may God bless you all!

Something caught her eye in the candy store not too long ago.

We walked in and she exclaimed, “Gummy worms!! Please Mommy, can we buy them?”

“Sorry, not today, darling,” I said, trying to buy time.

Apparently her friend brings them to school as a snack. :O :O

Really?!!! Sugar, chemicals and other unpronounceable stuff?

No thanks.

So I did what any (smart) mommy would do: make our own gummy worms.


Yummy gummy worms with ingredients we know and love, including Ningxia Red which has the goodness of wolfberries to support good eyesight!


Kids love ‘em and adults have to fight for them with the kids… hahahaha


Today we are making gummy bears too. Fancy some? 


“What’s the color of this shirt, Emma?”

And she would answer almost immediately, “Ye-yo!”.

I used to enjoy hearing her say that.  Never correcting nor reprimanding.

Just enjoying the innocence of it all.

This is one of the many moments I find so cherishable in motherhood.

I don’t correct her, not because I want her to make that mistake, but because I want to enjoy the cuteness of it all.

I know that she would one day say “Yellow”, and I still say “Yellow” when I speak to her, but amazed I will be.

Childhood is such a beautiful picture that contains accents of such memories, etched forever in a child’s life.

Well, it happened sooner than I had expected and almost instantly, she now says “Yellow”.

Clearly, accurately, without batting an eyelid.

“It’s YELLOW, Mommy… not Ye-yo,” she declares, seemingly correcting herself.



We visited Audi Dream Farm several months ago, however the photos have not managed to make their way to the blog…until now.  The farm is located in Balik Pulau which is a good distance from where we live, nevertheless it was a fantastic experience for the kids to be out and about early in the morning.

We bought a basket of goodies for the animals, containing food for feeding the animals with…bird seed, leaves and plants, milk for the goats etc.









The kids really had a ball of a time.  We will certainly make another visit to the farm, if it were closer to home.  Well, hopefully soon we can find time for a repeat visit.

A few months ago, Emma participated in her school sports day.  She had been eagerly looking forward to it and had also been putting in a lot of practice for the event.

Here she is at the customary march past…look at her focused face 😛



Stretch and Warm Up…



This year, Emma’s class’s sports event was a Pizza Delivery activity.  The kids had to ride a tricycle, pick up 2 corrugated cardboard pizzas and deliver the pizzas to a designated location, thereafter they would ride the tricycle back to the start.





Emma was delighted to receive a medal on the podium… look at that happy SMILE!



For Emma’s fourth birthday this year, she finally decided on a My Little Pony themed cake, and she was also very specific on which three ponies were to be on the top of the cake.  I decided to bake her that cake and brought it to school for a very simple (and noisy) celebration with her friends.



Hannah, who did not have to go to school that day, tagged along.  Hannah also contributed in another special way, which was to make the pretty rainbow on Emma’s birthday cake.


Many of Emma’s friends asked for the ponies as souvenirs but we had to tell them that they belonged to the birthday girl.  We did prepare party packs for the little kids of course. 🙂








Emma had a blast and enjoyed herself very much.  Happy, happy birthday my dearest Emma!

Hannah turned 8 in March but I’m only blogging about it now. Yep, ticking off all my items on my long to-do list 🙂

She had a celebration in Adventurezone before but she loves it so much that she wanted a sequel, so her 8th birthday celebration was held there too.










Happy birthday Hannah, and may all your dreams come true!

Note: We fully respect your privacy and understand how and why it is important, so if you see a picture of your child in this post and would prefer for me to blot out his/her face, please email me at joyce.cheah (at) and I will do the needful.  Thank you.

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