Bible Verse of the Day

Procrastination Pays

… but only in the case of this breastfeeding mommy, I guess.

If you hadn’t already known, I am in the process of weaning Ethan from my breast.  However, although we have succeeded at a certain level (he is down to only one feed of EBM while I am at work), the fact that I have procrastinated and dilly-dallied on the weaning resulted in Ethan still being breastfed when I am with him.

And you know, as I watch him recovering from his recent illness, I am so grateful that I am still breastfeeding him.

After he regained his appetite after his spell of vomiting, he only wanted breastmilk and that is really the best kind of food he should take.  Now that he is recovering from his diarrhoea, breastmilk is the best because even if he doesn’t take too keenly to water, breastmilk contains about 90% water.  Even Dr Jessica says it is the perfect solution to help him get well sooner.  Besides providing him with all the antibodies to help him get better, it helps to soothes and calms him down too.

Yesterday evening, Pete was out for his weekly futsal match, and I was left to attend to Ethan by myself.  Boy was he a handful!  He definitely looks better now and he was back to his mischievous ways and was up till almost 11p.m.!  I’m still praying he’ll be 100% well as soon as possible.

Scrap Elements by Lindsay Jane Designs

Today we took him to GMC for his checkup with Dr Jessica, after the 3-day antibiotic (Rocephin) course jabs he took.  Unfortunately, I was not aware that Dr Jessica was on half day leave today, so we had to see Dr Rama instead.  Upon inspecting both Ethan’s ears, Dr Rama reassured us that the infection has definitely gone down in both ears.   🙂  However, he prescribed another 5-day course of antibiotics (Cedax) just to be on the safe side, ensuring that the bacterial infection would be totally eliminated.  Dr Rama reassured us that Cedax tasted slightly sweet and we only needed to administer 2.2ml once a day for 5 days.  We were to see Dr Jessica again after the 5 days for a final checkup.

SIGH… guess we’ll have to see if Ethan will be okay with taking this final round of medicine then…

  1. rinnah’s avatar

    Still one more round of antibiotics? Oh well. Whatever it takes to get him all better, right? Mommy’s breastmilk is the best cure, I say! *wink*

    Joyce says: Was bummed out about the antibiotics too, but I do hope and pray that’s the last of it.


  2. sasha’s avatar

    he’s about my son’s age and he’s so lucky cos u’re still bf-ing him. Jayden is not as lucky as ethan..oh by the way, Jayden’s initial name was ethan but we changed it last minute to jayden. hahaha

    Joyce says: Ethan should meet Jayden one fine day, huh? Their names rhyme too!


  3. Vernon Mommy’s avatar

    Totally agreed, mommy’s breastmilk is the best, nothing can be replaced.
    Wishing Ethan boy fully recover soon.

    Joyce says: Thanks for your well wishes!


  4. Hooi Ling’s avatar

    2.2ml is so much easier to feed compared to 5ml. Hope to see Ethan fully recover soon!

    Joyce says: Yes it certainly is! Thanks dear for your prayers!


  5. Angeleyes’s avatar

    I’m soooooooooooo envious!

    I have wanted to bf Darrius till he is two but we are getting old so need some time to recuperate b4 trying for #2 so have to force wean Darrius… *sigh*

    Joyce says: I must have a cuppa with you to discuss in detail what force-weaning is… 😛


  6. Angie’s avatar

    Ah.. finally he’s better.. and pictures of Ethan and his cheeky grin are appearing 🙂

    Joyce says: 🙂


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