Scrap Credits
Happy Everyday QP from Thaliris Design
Funny Bubble Alpha from Loloden designs
Sun Porch alpha (the number 7) from Shabby Princess
9.1 kilos. This month she only gained 100g, maybe because she was ill a few weeks ago. But her weight is still in the 90-something percentile.
Motor Skills
- She started with the commando crawl backwards, and now she can crawl slowly by moving first her arms and then lifting (sometimes dragging) her knee. You’ll see Hannah moving all around the floor, and from one end of the cot to the other.
- Hannah can sit unsupported most of the time, and when she does tumble over to the side, she will assume her crawling position.
- Hannah also tries to do *stunts* like balancing herself on one knee and one elbow.
- Very good and deft with her fingers. She is able to hold objects very sturdily, transfering them from one hand to the other and back. She hardly ever drops the objects, unless she is throwing a tantrum.
- Attempting to STAND while being held by her hands. Gave me a shock!
- Hannah can (for the most part) sit independently in the bath tub when I give her her bath. She loves playing with water and will kick and squeal with delight. And she adores playing with the washcloth and a little cup I sometimes give her. At times she will *protest* when I take her out too soon. Note to self: time to introduce some cool bath toys to her! 🙂
Communication and Social Skills
- Saying “Mum-mum-mum” when she wants milk or Mommy.
- Vocalizing many different sounds, “Bababa…”, “ooooh…”, “ahhh…” etc
- Will stop, listen, look at me and smile when I start singing to her. Her favorite songs: the ever popular “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, “The Wheels of the Bus” and “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. The actions totally tickle her. And hey, I have noticed she has also started to try to copy my actions in “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”!
- Absolutely intrigued by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse’s Hot-Diggity-Dog song. Will stop whatever she is doing, look in the direction of the TV, and smile happily.
- Showing signs of readiness to play with Ethan. She laughs and smiles at him and is always looking at him, as if *learning* how to behave.
Food and Feeding Every ounce of milk she takes is 100% Mommy’s milk. She is back on rice cereal and EBM once a day now. After I stopped her rice cereal for a few weeks, she initially didn’t seem interested in the cereal when I reintroduced it a few days ago. But when I allowed her to hold her spoon and supervised her feeding herself, she got excited! Now Hannah looks forward to every evening when I feed her the rice cereal. I normally will feed her at dinner time (and her brother will want some of his own cereal too!) So rice cereal for Hannah, and a serving of Koko Krunch with fresh milk for Ethan! 😛 (I’m not complainin’!)
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