Scrap Credits
Boxed words from Chantal
HoldEmUps from Tara Dunstan
Around 12 kilos or slightly more.
Slightly more than 82 cm, but she certainly appears to be growing taller each day.
She still wouldn’t open up her mouth long enough for me to count accurately, but from what I could see/estimate, Hannah now has 16 teeth: 8 incisors (4 top and 4 bottom), with 4 pramolars appearing on the right side (top and bottom) and left side (top and bottom); bottom left pramolar is taking its time to grow!; also 2 canines starting to appear at the top jaw, and 2 canines on the bottom jaw.
Motor Skills
- Hannah can imitate actions (especially those in songs) really well, and can pick them up almost immediately.
- Loves to climb up and slide down a slide, not showing any fear at all.
Communication and Social Skills
- Hannah can communicate really well with us now, and can carry on simple conversations, like when we ask her where she wants to go for dinner, she’ll reply “Pappa Rich!” or “McDonald’s!”
- She adamantly insists that she is not a baby anymore. When we ask her, “Is Hannah a baby?”, she’ll say, “NO! Toddler..”
- She uses a few phrases rather often: “Don’t want”, “Don’t want anymore”, “Don’t do that!”, “Mommy COME!”, “See?”, “Here?”, “There?”, “Go away!” etc
- Hannah is starting to choose the clothes she wants to wear. Sometimes when I lay out her jammies, she’ll say, “No Mommy! Not this one!” and then she’ll lead me to the chest of drawers where her clothes are kept and wait while I open it for her to choose which one she wants. She’s also very choosy on the diaper she wants to wear…
- Tantrums are upon us, as she sometimes demands to get her own way. We’ve had to put our foot (and feet) down on several occasions, with Hannah stubbornly refusing to sit on the naughty stool, kicking and screaming all the way. Eventually she did calm down and sat on the stool, and said her “sorries”, but we’re anticipating *tough* days ahead. SIGH.
Food and Feeding
- Although Hannah is still breastfed, I’m in the process of weaning her off. There have been days when she did not need to be breastfed the whole day, and only needed the breast at night. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but we’re getting there. Sometimes when I tell her there’s no more milk left, she’ll quietly obey, look at me and say, “Cup?” And then I’ll just pour her some milk in a cup to drink from. She currently takes fresh milk and chocolate milk and also a little bit of GainPlus formula, sometimes mixed with oatmeal. Hannah is also taking yogurt in her daily diet, as an addition to her dairy supplement.
- Loves all other food. 🙂
Potty Training
- She is able to tell us when she needs to go poopoo and can poopoo in the adult toilet using a child toilet seat about 95% of the time.
- Lately she has also started to pull her pants and diaper down by herself when she wants to peepee. Sometimes she’ll say, “peepee”, and we’ve had success on several occasions. She’ll smile happily when we hear the peepee trickle into the toilet and she’ll say, “Sticker!” (yes, I’m giving her a sticker for every successful time she peepees or poopoos in the toilet)
- Of course there are times when she asks to peepee or poopoo but it’s just a false alarm 😛
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