Bible Verse of the Day

Happy 2nd Birthday Emma!

Last week my littlest one turned 2.  I can’t believe how fast 24 months had passed!  She is still very much my little baby but she’s quickly becoming very vocal and is able to assert her personality, that one.

We decided to just have a little family celebration at home, so I baked her an orange and pumpkin crazy cake with no butter, no milk and no eggs.  As for cake deco, it was a toss up between Elmo and Hi-5, cos she likes both, but I went with Elmo, because I also wanted to try creating Elmo’s fur with the grass tip I had.








♥  Happy Birthday dearest Emma!!  ♥


  1. Kcan’s avatar

    Happy birthday Emma!
    Love the beautiful smile of yours in the photo =)

    Joyce says: Thank you!!


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