Bible Verse of the Day

A day at the farm … sorta

Here’s a darling video of Ethan naming some of his farm animals. They’re from a wooden puzzle I bought for him a while back. He does in fact understand the names of each of the animals, but now, he will only verbally say the names of a few, namely “hor” (horse), “peeeg” (pig) and “go” (goat). He calls the cow “moo” and the sheep “baa”, and although he doesn’t want to say the names of the rest of the animals, he will retrieve them when asked.

Notice how our boy takes the trouble to enunciate the words ever so clearly πŸ™‚

And yes, if it ain’t obvious yet, I absolutely ADORE him in his Mr Independent peejays. Don’t you? πŸ˜†

  1. rinnah’s avatar

    Awww… it’s so cute the way Ethan says the animals’ names in a slightly higher pitch!

    Joyce says: yeah, I think so too!


  2. Susan’s avatar

    go ond hor ond mooo..

    Joyce says: Now he goes “quack” too πŸ˜›


  3. blessed mum’s avatar

    so cute! can sense your happiness in his achievement : )

    Joyce says: Yup, I’m a proud momma!


  4. Angeline’s avatar


    Joyce says: Hehe…glad you agree!


  5. chinnee’s avatar

    hehe…Ethan looks like a zebra himself πŸ™‚

    Joyce says: A zebra that goes “moo”? πŸ˜€


  6. huisia’s avatar

    yeah, i like his stripy peejays, hehe…

    Joyce says: I like them a lot too.



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