Scrap Credits
Spring Blossoms: April’s Mega Blog Train freebie from Carjazi Designs
Small stamp frame from Lindsay Jane Designs
Unscripted No. 3 – Simply Put [handwritten word art] from TaylorMade Designs by Amanda Taylor
Paper Alphas from Oksana
Just Because Alphas from Shel Belle Scraps
Leaf Swirl from Lynette’s Photo Art
HoldEmUps from Tara Dunstan
3.35 kilos (weighed in at 2 weeks’ old during her 2-week pediatrician visit). She sure feels a lot heavier now!
50.8cm (measured at 2 weeks’ old during her 2-week pediatrician visit)
Motor Skills
- Hannah is able to lift head for a short period of time when placed on her tummy. I try to give her some tummy time every day just to allow her a different view and also to provide some exercise! … and she LOVES it!
- She can also move her head from side to side, especially when a rattling toy is moved in front of her face. She will follow the sound intently.
She has started batting the little toys on her mobile in the infant-to-toddler rocker.
She makes jerky arm movements, especially when asleep. When there is a loud disturbance when she is asleep, Hannah jerks her hand upwards, and they sometimes remain that way.
- Hannah makes loud throaty sounds all the time, and even more so during the night when everyone is asleep (or trying to sleep). It could be due to her GER, and I hope it will go away soon.
- She gives the occassional social smile, sometimes when we talk and sing to her, and sometimes she even smiles in her sleep! In fact, the first time Hannah smiled at me was the first night we spent together in the hospital!
- There are times when Hannah is awake and alert and just observing the world around her, but she will sometimes cry when she feels lonely or thinks no one is around. She will, however, quieten down and look at people nearby with those huge brown eyes when we start talking or singing to her.
- She sometimes will cry, not out of hunger, but just to be carried and cuddled.
- Hannah can soothe herself to sleep most of the time when placed in the cot. We try to place her in the cot when she is drowsy but not asleep, although sometimes I allow her to fall asleep in my arms and carry her in a sling in a snuggle hold position, which is currently her favorite. I am not complaining because in the snuggle hold position, I have two free hands! 🙂
- She enjoys being clean, and when she cries to be changed because her diaper is wet, she will calm down immediately when I put her on the changing table. She also loves her bathtime nowadays, and will patiently stay as still as possible while I bathe her.
- Hannah is pooping less frequently now, but some of the poops are MAJOR BIG ones. In fact, we just had a catastrophic explosive poop on the morning of the day she turned one-month-old. My whole right forearm acted as a shield for the poop and as a result, I had to clean the carpet, the side table, bottles of lotion, changing table and mat early in the morning.
- Hannah has some pimple-looking rashes on her face and head. I have already removed chocolate and ice cream from my diet, and hopefully it will help the rashes subside. Ethan had rashes too, so perhaps it runs in the family.
Food and Feeding
She is 100% on Mommy’s milk.
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Wow what an achiever! And that major poop… It must be quite a funny experience.
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