Bible Verse of the Day

Ethan is three years old!

Scrap Credits
Vintage Valentine freebie  from Fanette
Cover Stories #4 Alphas from Kellie Mize
Sweet Love Sampler ring from Kristin Aagard Designs
Love Bug elements from Redju Designs

Ethan turned three on January 31st 2009.  Having survived the “terrible twos”, are we allowed to heave a sigh of relief now?

On the contrary…I think not! 😛


He was weighed in at about 29.3lbs when he visited the doctor last month, and that converts to about 13.3kilos.


36 inches.

Developmental Milestones

  • He is becoming more assertive in his actions, and knows how to take his stand when he wants something.  Surely a sign of independence, but sometimes can lead to tempers too.  He even says, “NO! Don’t do that!” when it suits the situation.
  • Can count from 1-40 now, but strangely he leaves out number 16.  He is learning really fast, and he knows the concept, i.e. I have heard him attempting, “Forty-ONE, Forty-TWO,…”
  • Calls out endearingly to his Daddy, for example, he would say in a singsong way, “Oh Daddy…!”, and sometimes when I pick Ethan up before fetching Pete after work, upon seeing his Daddy, Ethan would smile and go, “Hallo Daddy!” and “Miss you Daddy!”
  • Does not really like to reply in the affirmative YES, but he uses the term “okay” sparingly.  Lately, he has even started to reply “Okay, Mom!” (yes, that’s right, Mom and not Mommy!).  Oh by the way, his favorite word is “NO” 😛
  • Loves to show us what he has built or done, especially with his Lego set.  He’ll go, “Look! Look!” while proudly displaying his masterpiece.
  • Learning to take turns by saying, “My turn!”
  • Has a great sense of humor, and sometimes does things that makes himself laugh out loud.  He especially finds it funny when we accidentally drop things, and say “Oops!”, and he’ll laugh and say, “Funny!”

Food and Feeding

Depending on his mood, he will eat a lot or very little.  There have been times when he will finish 2 whole bowls of rice, and sometimes he would even take the chicken meat.  But sometimes, he would reject rice completely, choosing only to have bread or cheese or muffins or chocolate milk.

  1. Angeline’s avatar

    ok, the terrible twos are gone…
    welcome to trickery three!
    *huge laugh*

    Joyce says: Errr…why the laugh? 😛


  2. rinnah’s avatar

    Happy Birthday again to Ethan! Big boy dy…

    Joyce says: Thanks KittyCat!


  3. huisia’s avatar

    Happy Birthday Ethan boy!
    And, Happy Chap Goh May to you and yours!

    Joyce says: Thanks Huisia!


  4. Paik Ling’s avatar

    Happy 3rd birthday, Ethan. You’re becoming more charming every day!

    Joyce says: Thanks Paik Ling!


  5. slavemom’s avatar

    That “Miss you Daddy” will surely melt Daddy’s heart.

    Joyce says: Yes, every time 🙂


  6. wen’s avatar

    happy belated 3 yr old Ethan!

    Joyce says: Thanks wen!



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