Bible Verse of the Day

14th Month Progress Report


In a blink of an eye, my little boy is now 14 months old.  And yes, I am still breastfeeding.

9.1 kg as of his last visit with Dr Jessica.

76cm as of his last visit with Dr Jessica.

8 in total: 4 incisors top and bottom (bottom side incisors growing quicker than top ones).  Makes for a really cheeky grin.

Motor Skills

Ethan can walk as fast as he can crawl now, and lately I have been noticing that he is trying to step up stairs too, for instance when we were in church, he would try to step up the steps leading to a wooden door.  Sometimes I have even caught him trying to stand on one foot…. yeah, like a stork. 😛

Oh yeah…and did I mention our boy can make music?

Ethan likes to play with his toothbrush.  No no…not brush his teeth, but hold the toothbrush up in the air and babble incoherently.

Pete: Ethan, toothbrush… toothbrush (pointing to the toothbrush)
Ethan: OOohhhh  bebababa..tatata……

Communication & Social Skills

  • Will try to join in the conversations we have, but what Ethan says is mostly babbling.  Ethan voice is really loud and when he wants something, he will shriek and scream.  We are trying to teach him to NOT scream but to converse properly when he wants to communicate something – no luck so far.
  • Whenever he sees Pete and I hugging, he will want in on the hug too, and will toddle towards us and hug our legs.
  • Every weekday morning before Pete and I leave for work, Pete would carry Ethan out and head towards the car.  Lately when we are about ready to leave, Ethan would walk really fast towards Pete and hug his legs, requesting to be carried.
  • When I am taking my shower, sometimes Ethan would ask Pete to take him to our room (where I am in the bathroom), so that he can bang on my door :).  Sometimes Pete would relent, but at other times, when Pete is busy watching ESPN or something… Ethan would walk over to my room door and bang on it himself 😀

Food & Eating Habits

We’ve been pretty lenient with Ethan’s food the past month and he has had the luxury of enjoying an array of outside food, among others, char siew pau.  Last weekend, we were at Soba Yoshi’s and since I didn’t bring his porridge out, I tried (again) to feed him chawan mushi with some calrose rice.  I tried giving him chawan mushi a couple of weeks back, but he was not very keen on it then.  This time, the little fella walloped it like nobody’s business.  He’s just a chip off the old block eh?

Since we gave him spaghetti at Friday’s a couple of weeks back, he has also taken to eating with his hands.  We would feed him porridge, for example, and sometimes, he would put his fingers in, taking out chunks of porridge and whatever is in it, look at it, and then put it back into his mouth.

  1. huisia’s avatar

    Ethan wants to “bong bong” with mommy ar??? LOL!

    Joyce says: Errrrr…. what is “bong bong” ah?


  2. Juan Juan’s avatar

    I can’t believe it .. you’re still breastfeeding him for so long… way to go!!!
    Are you still pumping regularly? If I return to work, most probably we can go pumping together!!!

    Joyce says: Yup, breastfeeding RAWKS! I’m expressing twice at work now, and yes, we can go together if you return to work 🙂


  3. Koo Kong’s avatar

    Sooooo….finally you’ve got a comment from the Koo Kong!! It’s just so invigorating to see pictures of Ethan. So very active & full of life and, of course…his impish and cheeky smile.

    He! How come the video doesn’t work,ah?

    Joyce says: FINALLY! 😀 Yes, Ethan really brightens up our lives with all of his antics… as for the video, I suppose you’ll have to wait a moment or two for it to load first.


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