Bible Verse of the Day
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” -2 Peter 1:5-8 Listen to chapter

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Happy Birthday darling Hannah!


A year has passed since you came into our lives
A year since you, our bundle of joy, arrived
You gave us adorable smiles and cutesy giggles
Happy happy birthday, my sweet darling little girl!

On Hannah’s birthday, we decided to take the kids out for a treat.  Pete took the day off and after we picked Ethan up from school, we headed over to Gurney Plaza.  Incidentally, we also took Ethan to Gurney Plaza on his first birthday. 🙂

We ended up having lunch at Chili’s…it had a been a long while since we ate there and we wanted to check to see if they had improved since then. 

Ethan of course enjoyed himself tremendously.  He couldn’t decide between the spaghetti and the hot dog, so he ordered both…and also had free flow ice lemon tea…which prompted a few visits to the loo…haha.


Hannah had some home-cooked porridge and was very well-behaved indeed.





Hannah enjoyed her rusk while we dug in to our meal….

…and sometimes she did her upside-down stunt…


…and at other times, the birthday girl was entertained by her brother’s funny antics…


We walked around Gurney Plaza a bit after our hearty meal, stopping at some of our favorite stores, including Ethan’s favorite Toys R Us (which he noticed a mile away!).

Oh, and here’s another shot of Hannah doing her infamous upside-down pose again….this time, a close-up:


Happy birthday Hannah!  Sure beats a day at the office anytime, eh Daddy?


  1. Doreen’s avatar

    Happy Birthday Hannah!!!


  2. rachel’s avatar

    Happy Happy Birthday Hannah
    You look so pretty
    May God bless you


  3. Susan’s avatar

    Happy Birthday Hannah!


  4. Paik ling’s avatar

    Wow wow wow – one year already!! Happy 1st birthday, Hannah!!!!!


  5. chinnee’s avatar

    wow…it has been exactly a year. She is soooo chubby!!


  6. khongfamily’s avatar fast 1 year already!!! Time flies..Happy Birthday, Hannah!!!


  7. MieVee @’s avatar

    Happy birthday to you, Hannah! You look very adorable in the spaghetti top. Stay happy and healthy all year round. 🙂


  8. Bart’s avatar

    Happy Birthday Hannah! Such a cute girl :o)


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