Bible Verse of the Day

Presents from little sister to big brother

As soon as our little family reached our home after Hannah and I were discharged, we told Ethan his little sister Hannah had presents for him.  Of course Ethan was very excited and kept asking for the presents, even before having his dinner!

A few weeks ago, I prepared the presents in mention, and wrapped them up into nice boxes with gift-wrapping paper bearing Ethan’s favorite balloon motifs.  Everybody now knows that giving a present from the newborn baby to the older sibling is a good way to start off a (hopefully) jealous-free relationship.  I didn’t want to just simply get something for the sake of getting it, so I made sure every item in the gift box would be something our boy would like.


So we (Hannah) got him a LullaBible board book, with lovingly illustrated A-Z promises from God, complete with an audio CD, a Mickey Mouse tumbler, three granola bars and the highlight: a Lego Duplo train set! 


Ethan LOVES to open presents now, and he didn’t waste much time tearing the wrappers off.


Ironically, he chose the Lego box to open first and was SO happy when he saw what it was!


Then he tore open the wrapper of the other present and when he saw the goodies inside, he exclaimed, “WOW!!!”  And then he began to eat the granola bars. LOL


It looks like the brother-sister relationship has gotten off to a great start! 🙂

  1. michelle’s avatar

    Wow, thats a lot of presents from Hannah. Did you get Ethan to buy Hannah a present?

    Joyce says: Hehe…only Ethan got presents from Hannah. Hannah’s present is getting a big brother 🙂


  2. Health freak’s avatar

    Congrats on the arrival of beautiful baby Hannah. Enjoy your confinement….errr, wait, do you practise confinement over in the US? Hehehe….

    Joyce says: Thanks… I’m not really confined…was not really confined in Malaysia either LOL 😛


  3. chanelwong’s avatar

    wow sooo nice gift…

    Joyce says: Yep, Ethan really enjoys the presents!


  4. mom2ashleyaidan’s avatar

    congrats on lil hannah!

    Joyce says: Thanks!


  5. rinnah’s avatar

    Wow… that’s quite a gift haul Ethan’s got there. He’s lucky to have a generous sister (parents), eh? 😀

    Joyce says: Haha…I’ll bet!


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