Scrap Credits
June Part 2 collaboration kit from DMS
Fresh Breeze Alphas from A work in progress
9.6 kilos ~ there hasn’t been a lot of change to her weight. Probably because she has been running around a lot lately.
Not measured.
After that first visit to the dentist, we can now confirm that Emma has a total of 18 teeth, with 2 top molars to come.
Developmental Milestones
- Emma enjoys playground equipment, especially the slides.
- Loves dancing and will move her entire body to music, smiling and saying “Haha…dancing!”
- Loves to paint ~ by dabbling the paint with a brush all over the paper.
- She is making short sentences now: “I want eat chicken rice”. “I want go downstairs”.
- She asks “What’s that?” or “Oh what’s that?” to almost everything and anything.
- She gives her opinion: “Hannah funny!” or “Ethan funny!”
- However, I have noticed that she will assert her “power” when she doesn’t get her way.
Food and Feeding
Hand-spoon-mouth coordination has improved and there is more food going into her and less food outside, but cleaning up is still a headache. She prefers rice but sometimes will ask for noodles (which she affectionately calls “tarpow” ~ because I hardly cook noodles at home) and “Koay-teow”.
She is still consuming Izumio and Super Lutein as health supplements for her general wellbeing and also to tackle her eczema issues.
Toilet Training
I am not consciously potty training Emma yet, but she sometimes does tell me when she needs to peepee or poopoo. In fact just yesterday she said “Mommy, poopoo” and gave me that “poopoo” look. I promptly took her to the toilet and she successfully made her first deposit!! 🙂
I am blessed to have Hannah who is very willing and happy to help toilet train her sister; Hannah will eagerly give Emma stickers for every successful toilet training achievement.
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