“What’s the color of this shirt, Emma?”
And she would answer almost immediately, “Ye-yo!”.
I used to enjoy hearing her say that. Never correcting nor reprimanding.
Just enjoying the innocence of it all.
This is one of the many moments I find so cherishable in motherhood.
I don’t correct her, not because I want her to make that mistake, but because I want to enjoy the cuteness of it all.
I know that she would one day say “Yellow”, and I still say “Yellow” when I speak to her, but amazed I will be.
Childhood is such a beautiful picture that contains accents of such memories, etched forever in a child’s life.
Well, it happened sooner than I had expected and almost instantly, she now says “Yellow”.
Clearly, accurately, without batting an eyelid.
“It’s YELLOW, Mommy… not Ye-yo,” she declares, seemingly correcting herself.