Scrap Credits
An Enchanted World collab kit from Designs by Anita
Every Day Alpha from Jen Yurko
10.2 kilos
About 76-77 cm.
6 incisors (4 top and 2 bottom), 2 more teeth appearing at the bottom (not sure if they are incisors or canines), and I can also see 2 pramolars appearing at the bottom too. No wonder Hannah has been having sleepless nights for a few weeks now!
Motor Skills
- Can walk VERY fast all around now, and I can see she will start running very very soon.
- She’s able to bend over and pick up objects very steadily and then return to standing position.
- Can remove both her sandals, by first unfastening the velcro straps and then removing the sandals. We have to now remove her sandals when she is riding in the car, just so she doesn’t remove them and put them in her mouth or somethin’.
- Can unfasten the velcro tabs on her diaper on her own. She hasn’t quite mastered the snaps on the snap-style diapers yet, so we are safe for now. But when I put her on the velcro diapers, I need to remember to put on a pair of shorts or skirt for her, otherwise she’ll remove the diapers on her own!
- Loves to hug my legs, and will cling on for dear life, even though I start to walk around.
- Hannah takes *showers* now and not *baths* – yep, she doesn’t want to be in the bath tub and prefers to stand while being showered. I still need to support her in case she slips though.
- She’s also learning how to play with the shape sorter, sometimes under the tutelage of big brother Ethan.
- Hannah loves music and loves to dance to music, and will tap her leg while standing and sometimes shakes her booty too! 🙂
Communication and Social Skills
- Asks for food by saying “Mamak” (no relation to the mamak stall, by the way). We think she is saying “Mum mum” though.
- Can very very surely recognize her own name when being called.
- Can understand simple instructions and respond to verbal requests, like:
- “Come here, Hannah” (she’ll turn and come over to me)
- “No” (she’ll turn around and check to see if she should really NOT be doing what she is about to do)
- “Stop” (she’ll stop whatever she is doing…unless she is totally engrossed)
- “Look Up!” (she’ll look up – I ask her to look up when I am giving her her shower and I want to clean her neck!)
- “Buh bye!” (waves goodbye)
- “Flying kiss” (she’ll put her hand to her mouth to give a flying kiss)
- I thought I heard her saying “baby” and also something like “eh-fer” (for elephant).
Food and Feeding
She’s on Mommy’s milk 100% and is still loving every bit of her porridge! She can finish quite a lot now, and eats at an amazing pace!
New foods she has been introduced to include:
- Homemade wholemeal bread
- Kiwi fruit
- White bread (which she loves!)
- Tofu
- Foo Kui chye
- Dried scallops, cooked with her porridge
- Regular rice mixed into her porridge
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