I knew this day would come, but it came a little faster than I had expected. Using the scissors is very important fine motor skill to master, especially for toddlers, and Ethan is now old enough to learn and perfect that skill.
He has been showing a very keen interest in mastering the scissors, so I try to coach and guide him as best as I can. I got him a scissor-cutting book with different shapes and lines to cut, and of course, a pair of safety scissors. The first pair of scissors we got for Ethan was way too blunt. It did not have any steel blades, only plastic edges. And this became very frustrating to use. So a few days ago, I spotted a pair of scissors with steel blades but BLUNT points, and the packaging mentioned that it was recommended for children aged 4 and above. Perfect, I thought.
And Ethan has been happily using this pair since.
Among the *skills* I am emphasizing are:
- How to hold the scissors (point blades down when not in use)
- How to pass the scissors to another person (i.e. close the blades, hold the blades and pass the handles to someone)
- Turn the paper, NOT the scissors
- Alternative ways to cut shapes
We try to cut out shapes and lines a page a day, but we can only indulge in this when Hannah is asleep. Hehehe…
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