Bible Verse of the Day
“Do not those who plot evil go astray? But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.” -Proverbs 14:22 Listen to chapter

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What “Sair Hoon”?

Both sides of Ethan’s grandparents have been concerned (since he was born) that Ethan would be “sair hoon” (Hokkien meaning: intimidation of strangers) when he attained a particular age. According to them, most babies would be “sair hoon” at about 3-4 months, and would refuse to be carried by anyone else, except those they were familiar with.I can understand Ethan’s grandparents’ concern, given the fact that they do not reside in Penang and only get to see him like every once in a while.

However, they need not worry as our boy is far from being “sair hoon”… whenever we go shopping or out for a meal, salespersons, waitresses, friends we meet, you name it… all have offered their “baby-carrying” services and Ethan has consented without so much as a whimper! On the contrary, our boy would be smiling happily. He is happy as long as there is someone…ANYONE….carrying him.

SIGH… good in a way, cos we know for a fact that Ethan is indeed a sociable guy, but it is also quite dangerous, come to think of it. So we make it a point to keep our eyes peeled on him at all times.


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