Bible Verse of the Day
“The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” -Romans 13:9-10 Listen to chapter

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Ethan at 23 months

Scrap Credits
Kit “Happy New Year” from Sueli Colbert
Template 32 from Jill & Jack ScrapDesigns
Numbers – Terre de feu alphas from
Winter Wonderland Brown alphas from Perfectly Imperfect

With the New Year 2008 upon us, I can hardly believe that Ethan is now one month shy of his 2nd birthday. How time has flown! Everyone is commenting how “not that bulat” he is now, but you know what? Deep down, he will always always be my adorable darling Mr Bulat.


10.5 kilos when we visited the pd on Dec 17th.


82 cm.


Fourteen: 8 incisors, 2 canines (upper) and 4 pramolars (2 upper and 2 lower).

Motor Skills

  • Can climb up the stairs now one leg at a time. He likes to do it without the support of anyone, which scares me.
  • Can step on and off the escalators on his own. We will hold his hand and lead him on and off, but sometimes he will insist on doing it solo. Scares me too.
  • Can push himself over his cot side, just by using his arm strength and pushing his tummy on the side. Really really scary.
  • Is able to complete his wooden jigsaw block puzzle on his own. He prefers the one with the safari animals to the sea creatures one though. Although he does seem to take a liking to the whale…

Communication and Social Skills

  • Not speaking a whole lot yet, but not keeping mum either. Has tons of *stories* to tell. People have suggested that we enrol him in playschool to allow him to mingle with kids his age, because that will encourage him to communicate with us. Me? I’m reading Making Chatter Matter and trying the guidelines and methods suggested to prod him towards verbal diarrhoea.
  • Can point to his nose when asked “Where is your nose?. But there is a flaw in this still. “Where is your ear/eyes/mouth?” produces the same results 😛
  • Can point out and identify where things are. For example, on the way to the sitter’s we will pass by an apartment with 3 aquariums and 1 bird cage. When asked “Where is the fish?”, Ethan will point to the fishes in the aquarium and “Where is the bird?” will prompt him to point to where the bird is.
  • I noticed last night that he has learnt to whisper.

Food and Feeding

  • More often than not, Ethan will insist on self-feeding. He loves to hold the fork and spoon and try to scoop the rice on his own. I have to admit he is getting pretty good at it too!
  • On the weaning front, he will now happily finish 4-5oz of Pediasure immediately when he wakes up in the morning. And I couldn’t be happier. I guess it is just a matter of time before he is completely weaned off the breast.
  1. rinnah’s avatar

    One more month to go before he hits two! Wheeee!

    Joyce says: Time does really fly!


  2. Paik Ling’s avatar

    well done Ethan boy!

    Joyce says: Hehe 🙂


  3. Sting’s avatar

    happy 23months to Ethan… 🙂

    Joyce says: Thank you!


  4. huisia’s avatar

    wah…almost 2..time just flies
    don’t worry, boys tend to speak slower 🙂

    Joyce says: Time really does fly so fast…



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