Bible Verse of the Day

Come on and celebrate!


It’s Ethan’s birthday today, but we had a small early birthday celebration for Ethan last Saturday. Both his grandpas and grandmas came to shower him with love, together with his godpa, Aunty Pauline, Uncle Patrick and Aunty Christine too. I had made reservations at Sarkies Corner at The E&O for lunch, so we all met up there. Ethan was all ready for his food, but after eating the nasi minyak with carrot soup for a while, he became restless and wanted to go for a stroll by the sea instead. We had to take turns taking him out. So although there was food aplenty, Pete and I could not really sit down throughout the entire meal because our little prince wanted to be an explorer! Well, I did manage to lure him for a moment with the vanila ice-cream and a strawberry (which he threw on the floor), but it was only a matter of time before he wanted to go out again. So my Dad had to take him this time.

After lunch, we adjourned to our condo to have the cake-cutting ceremony. I ordered a birthday cake in the shape of Rocket from Little Einsteins, one of his favorite programs, and I could see Ethan’s face light up in joy when he saw the cake and the two candles being lit.


However, when we started singing the Birthday song, he started wailing, either because it was too loudly sung or he only wanted me to sing it. I honestly don’t know why. I had already prepped him for the singsong session, and had expected him to clap happily after the song was sung. Anyway, after we had finished singing and helped him blow out the candles, Ethan instinctively took the knife to cut the cake. He held it the opposite way though, and well, since it is HIS cake after all, we let him cut it. Don’t worry, it was a very blunt knife, specially made for cake cutting, and baby safety, of course!

After that, Pete and I held his hand to the knife and cut the cake the proper way. The 1.6 kilo cake was a vanila sponge cake with pieces of fruit in it, so that made it less “jelak” to eat. As expected, Ethan was not at all interested in the cake and preferred to play with his toys. I think the only sweet thing he really likes is ice lemon tea…oh, and vanila ice-cream, too!

He also had some presents to open. We helped him make the first tear on the presents and he enjoyed doing the rest.

  1. Paik Ling’s avatar

    Happy Happy Happy 2nd birthday, Ethan! You are mummy & daddy’s pride and joy. Keep healthy and happy 🙂

    Ethan Boy says: Thank you Aunty Paik Ling!


  2. sharine’s avatar

    wow! Ethan already 2! Happy Birthday!

    Joyce says: Time flies, doesn’t it? Thanks!


  3. slavemom’s avatar

    That’s a really lovely cake. The moment when his face lit up upon seeing the cake must be priceless.

    Joyce says: Yes, and we are so glad we caught that priceless moment on video and camera!


  4. esther’s avatar

    Blessed belated birthday Ethan boy! ….the cake is so unique and lovely!

    Joyce says: Thanks Esther! And thanks for stopping by Ethan’s blog!


  5. ablogaway’s avatar

    That’s a very unique and beautiful cake 🙂

    Joyce says: Thanks! It’s all in my tummy now…well, most of it!


  6. rinnah’s avatar

    Happy Birthday to Ethan boy! You’re a big boy now…

    I have no idea who/what is Rocket because I don’t watch Little Einsteins…

    Joyce says: Yes, he’s a big boy now… hope you can meet him soon.


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