Bible Verse of the Day

Little baby steps

I knew the moment would come soon.

Any day now, I told myself.

And I was right… 🙂

Here’s Hannah, with her newfound confidence at 10 months old! Ta-daaaa…!!!!!!


  1. rachel’s avatar

    awwww that so magical…her first few steps…
    good job Hannah..


  2. MieVee @’s avatar

    Amazing how well she balances herself at only 10 months old. I’m looking forward to my boy’s first step too, anytime these couple of months. Have fun chasing her around the house. 🙂


  3. Allan’s avatar

    Well done Hannah! Mummy & Daddy’s new exercise regime will start soon! 😛


  4. khongfamily’s avatar

    That’s fast….Way to go, Hannah!!!


  5. KittyCat’s avatar

    Wow…girls do start early, don’t they? I think my girl’s gonna speak earlier too coz she’s sooooooo chatty now LOL

    Go, go, go, Hannah!


  6. KittyCat’s avatar

    Run, run, run, Mummy!!! LOL


  7. Bart’s avatar

    Congrats, Hannah!


  8. Joanne’s avatar

    wow, that’s fast! Good job and well done to Hannah! Very soon Hannah will run around in the house with Ethan!


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