Bible Verse of the Day



M is for your magical personality
That infectious giggle, that bubbly laugh, you express with sheer vivacity!

R is for “Round and round the garden like a teddy bear”
The rhyme we use to tickle you, yes…tickle you under there!

B is for the *sometimes* bashful side of you
You’re shy, but you also peek – it makes us wonder what you’re really up to!

U is for the unconditional love
From Daddy and Mommy, and from the Lord up in heaven above.

L is for each lovable hug we always share
Each meaningful embrace that simply says “I care”.

A is for how adventurous you are
Running around tirelessly, you’re certainly very active by far!

T stands for talkative, which is what we reckon you will be
Judging by your non-stop blabbering, we’ll patiently wait and see…

  1. rinnah’s avatar

    I lurve Ethan’s happy grin in the first photo! And, he looks more like mummy, I think. *emulates Ethan’s grin*

    Joyce says: Goody! Faster show me how you emulate him?



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