Bible Verse of the Day

Sparkle and dazzle

Scrap Credits
Sketch Star template from
Papers and Alphas from Mitia Assef

After shopping high and low for a Christmas tree for our home, we finally bought a green six-foot one from Living Cabin, a novelty store in Queensbay Mall.  Our decorations were all from Jusco though.  And last Wednesday night, Pete and I decided to set up the tree, after Ethan had gone to dreamland.  All the ornaments and lights were put up and tested to make sure they looked good 🙂

The next morning when Ethan woke up, I led him to the living room and surprised him with the tree!  His face immediately lit up with excitement at the sight of it!  He had seen Christmas trees in the mall but it had not occurred to him that he would also see one at home.  He wasted no time in getting acquainted with his “new friend”, which was nothing like the little tree he played with last year.  He especially loves the baubles, which are within his reach 😛  And of course he adores the flickering, twinkling lights.

Now, whenever I turn on the lights on the tree, he would open his mouth wide with amazement, and smile the most charming smile ever.  It’s such a joy really to see him happy like that…  I wonder if he would be able to help us put up the tree next year…

  1. chinnee’s avatar

    so nice, even your scrap got the “christmas feel” !!

    Joyce says: Thanks! We are all in a very Christmassy mood now!


  2. Paik Ling’s avatar

    awww……so sweet!

    Joyce says: Thanks!


  3. Shireen’s avatar

    So smart and so cute! My gals refused to put the shapes into the sorter when they were younger. They would remove the cap and dump all the shapes in – impatient! *slaps forehead*

    Joyce says: Ethan sometimes does that too! Hey, that’s the short cut what…shows how *intelligent* they are!


  4. rinnah’s avatar

    Ha… next year Ethan might be more interested in the presents instead of the tree!

    Joyce says: I spoke too soon. Last night he grabbed one of his presents and refused to let go. I had to distract him.


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