Bible Verse of the Day

Hannah at 6 months


Scrap Credits
Film Star  QP from retrodiva {designs}™
Boxed words from Chantal
Heart button from Doodle-iscious alphas from A work in progress
 Splendid alphas and heart button from Shabby Princess

How time does fly!  Without me realizing it, my little bundle of joy is now an adorable, bouncy little baby girl, achieving milestone after milestone before my very eyes!


9 kilos!  Dr Jessica had only one word to say, “Wow!” 😛


If I remembered correctly, it’s 67cm – will check with doc and update later.

Motor Skills

  • Can support herself with hands straight and on both her knees, as if preparing to crawl.  Then she rocks and pivots her body forward and backward!
  • Can also lift up her body so that her butt is high up in the air, and she is on tip toe, something like what her brother did with his downdog.
  • Able to sit independently for longer periods of time, her favorite place being the green and yellow playmat.  Her sitting position is still more towards the front, where she needs to support her weight with her arms, but she can go a few seconds without using her arms as support too.
  • Can crawl backwards, in backward commando or caterpillar fashion.  Can also move around by using the same method.
  • Can hold and grasp objects very steadily and pass them from one hand to the other.
  • Will try to grab hold of everything within her reach: drinking cup, plate of rice, etc.
  • Can sometimes extend her arms out to ask to be carried.
  • Her “breaststroke kicks” are getting stronger and stronger.
  • Loves to bounce up and down on our laps when we carry her holding her under her arms.
  • Can arch her back backwards when she is sitting or being held.
  • Can hold a toddler sippy cup quite steadily and drink from it!

Communication and Social Skills

  • Smiles and responds very well when spoken to.
  • Blowing a whole lot of raspberries!
  • On occasion, I have heard her saying “Momma” or “Memma” when she either wants milk or Mommy.
  • Loves to be carried and held.
  • Squeals and giggles.

Food and Feeding

Every ounce of milk she takes is Mommy’s milk.  I started her off on rice cereal about 2 weeks ago, but stopped for a while because she had a diaper rash the day after, and then she was a bit unwell, so I am now waiting for a few more days before continuing.

Just several days ago though, she gave me quite a scare because that evening, she totally refused to nurse from the breast, and instead kept biting me!  In the end, I had to express my milk and fed her with the sippy cup, and she eagerly finished 6 whole ounces!!!  She even cried when we took her cup away after 4 ounces to refill an additional 2 ounces.  I was shocked and surprised that she would have weaned herself from the breast automatically like that, and I was worried too that I would then have to express milk by the clock 😛

Pete was all, “Okay what…then you don’t have to resort to using Bonjela!”

But thankfully, that night she was okay with nursing from the breast again, and she’s back to her old self again now.  Whew! 🙂

  1. rinnah’s avatar

    Hannah is so adorable! I feel like pinching her cheeks! Heh. 😀


  2. WS’s avatar

    Bonjela is banned from Ern/Sean’s PD over one of the ingridients is harmful to human (both adults and children). You may want to check this out with your PD.



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