Bible Verse of the Day

August 15, 2011

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Hi everyone!! Meet Isabella the giraffe, and Bearbee the teddy bear … two of my best bedtime buddies ever!  They fit right into my arms for a warm cuddle and snuggle and I love them dearly. 🙂

Bearbee is named that way because she’s my little baby and I incorporated the word “bear” into her name.  Bearbee was a present from Daddy a few months ago.  I can’t remember where exactly Isabella came from, but Mommy thinks she could have arrived as a free gift when we bought something years ago.  Regardless, she’s a very special giraffe, because her neck is not THAT long…I could not think of a name for her, so Ethan gave her that name.  Methinks it suits her just fine!


I also have my bolster and my beautiful blankie (just like Baby Bop has hers) and together, all of my bedtime buddies stay with me by my side when I sleep, at night as well as in the daytime.


Don’t we all make a wonderful team? 🙂