Bible Verse of the Day

May 10, 2013

You are currently browsing the daily archive for May 10, 2013.

Scrap Credits
Birthday Minikit from Verena Designs
Elegant word art (beautiful smile) from Bethany
Stamp cluster 8 (modified) from Lindsay Jane Designs

We’ve been waiting for Emma to flash us that precious smile ever since she was born.  As far as we can remember, her two elder siblings started smiling very early on, but it appeared that Emma was a tad serious.  She wasn’t fussy or anything, it just seemed as though she was always deep in thought.

We did catch her smiling to herself in her sleep off and on (displaying her cute little dimple on her right cheek), but the social smile still eluded us.  I tried talking, singing, laughing, tickling, …but nothing.  She would coo a lot and watch me intently though.

However, just last week or so, Emma decided to start SMILING! 😀

I’m not quite sure how it started, but I remember her Daddy got pretty excited when his little girl started smiling at him.

Here’s to more SMILEY days ahead.  I simply can’t wait to hear her first giggle 🙂