Scrap Credits
Birthday Minikit from Verena Designs
Fuzzy Felt Alpha from Misschifis
Treasured button from Debra Anderson Designs
11 lbs 7 oz (5.188 kilos). She is in the 50.28 percentile on the weight for age chart, having gained about 2 kilos since birth.
23.25″ (59.1 cm). She’s a rather long baby, don’t you reckon? It’s probably because Emma stretches so much! 🙂
Motor Skills
- She’s gaining more strength in her neck, and can hold her head upright for longer periods when on her tummy now.
- She sometimes likes to suck on her fist.
- She likes to move her gaze towards objects which are red.
Communication and Social Skills
- Emma seems to want to *communicate* with us, and she does so by cooing at us in response to what we say to her. Her cooing is always right on cue and it’s endearing to communicate with her that way.
- She has started smiling! She’s mostly her “smiliest” in the mornings and also she appears to smile more when Daddy is talking to her. She’s also showing great affection for Ethan and Hannah: all they need to do is smile at her and she will smile back. Harder for Mommy to make her smile though… fair!
- Emma is still being treated for Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, which looks a little like eczema on certain parts of her body, especially on her limbs. We’re hoping it will clear up soon.
- Still unable to fully sleep through the night, but thankfully there were a few nights where she has slept 4 hours straight! Let’s hope she keeps it up and prolong those sleeping hours.
Food and Feeding
She is 100% on Mommy’s milk.