Bible Verse of the Day

June 29, 2013

You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 29, 2013.

This afternoon, we will bid a fond goodbye to our home here in Marlborough, MA.  We’ve been in Marlborough for the past 7½ months, and we’ve created memories that we will cherish forever.

Our home here has been terrific to come back to, and it definitely feels a little more than sad to leave this place behind.

When we arrived, it was at the start of winter, and the forest behind our patio was all drab and grey, but we’ve seen it through winter in all its snowy glory and now that it’s spring going into summer, it’s a lush sea of greenery.

The kids love to look for squirrels, badgers, beavers and rabbits scampering about freely… this was taken sometime last week.  Can you see a brown rabbit/hare in the background behind them? 🙂

Well, we’ll miss it here, but it will forever remain etched in our hearts.  The kids definitely had the time of their lives, experiencing snow for the first time and in more ways than one, gained independence in their own individual ways.  Only time will tell if we’ll return, but for now, we’re just extremely happy to be part of this entire wonderful experience.