My third time as a breastfeeding mommy was definitely much easier, and breastfeeding is such that it becomes easier and easier with each child. However, with Emma, I did not really have any time on hand to think about weaning her proactively, and she did not seem ready to be weaned yet. Also, deep down, I knew that I was not ready yet.
I read up on stories where the child self-weaned and often wondered if it would happen to Emma. I did try deterring her once using juice from bitter gourd, but I couldn’t discipline myself to do it often enough, so that did not go anywhere.
When she was a few months after age 3, I noticed that she started NOT requesting for milk when she awoke in the morning. She could go the whole day without needing the breast and she would only ask for milk when she was ready to fall asleep. Thus our breastfeeding bond was then reduced to once or twice a day depending on whether or not she had an afternoon nap. She did not wake up much in the middle of the night and when she did, she would just need a cuddle.
Then on October 4th of this year, she contracted a sudden fever that went up to 39ºC; I did not give her any fever medication, only Izumio…she fell asleep after lunch and after that her fever broke and she was herself again. On that same night, she had, what was to be, her last breastfeeding session. I doubted I had much milk left then, so it was mostly comfort suckling.
On the night of October 5th, she went to sleep on her own without nursing. I thought it was a one-off incident, but she hasn’t asked for milk since.
It has been more than 2 months now, and Emma has been fully weaned. No tears at all, and it was such a smooth transition. It was all I prayed for, and I had asked God to make it easy for Emma and for me, and truly He has made it all possible. At 3 years, 6 months and 23 days, my darling Emma is fully self-weaned, with no fuss, no threats and no tears. The timing was perfect as we were both ready then.
I’m so proud of her for being strong and growing up so beautifully. I’m proud of myself for going on this breastfeeding journey with her. Despite obstacles we faced, we battled through them all. Even though I am no longer a breastfeeding mom, the breastfeeding experience stays with me and I am so grateful that I had shared my personal views and experience with all moms out there, and I am ever willing and happy to help out with questions or concerns even now. I would never ever change a thing for all my three breastfeeding journeys, for they are all wondrous and special in their own ways.
I thank God for giving me this special role and task, and for the strength He gave me to provide for my kids. I pray that He will continue blessing us all as a family and allow us to let Him guide us now and always.