A couple of weeks ago, the kids had their annual Sports Day in school. Both of them were equally excited about the event, as they had practised very hard for their events. For Hannah, it was her first ever Sports Day and the first time she donned her yellow school t-shirt. For Ethan, it was his last Sports Day in pre-school/kindergarten and he and his other K2 classmates were also involved in a fund-raising bake sale.
Each K2 child would be in charge of selling a single food item (30 packs each), and this was what I made for Ethan to sell:

Of course, a chunk of fun from this project came from the help the kids gave me in packing the cupcakes in their boxes, and errr….(not) threatening to eat them before the sale date.

The combo sign Ethan made for the Red Velvet Cupcakes. They didn’t have space for one item per sign, so the kids had to share it.

…and here’s our first customer! Such great support from you, Tess! Thank you!

The event proper started off with the lighting of the torch a la Olympics style and then they had the march past of all the classes.
Say hi to my handsome boy here:

We had a pleasant surprise when it was Hannah’s class’s turn for the march past. Our little girl was holding the class sign leading her class to the field!

She looked so determined and yet so cute at the same time!

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