Last Sunday, as we were driving home from lunch and grocery shopping, Ethan suddenly announced, “Mommy, Mommy, my TOOTH just fell out!”
I turned around immediately and true enough, he was holding his tiny little incisor..yes, the one that had been wobbly for a little over 3 weeks now. He was just telling me a few minutes before the incident, that he felt his tooth was going to fall out any time that day. Apparently he had fiddled with it and it fell off!
I took the tooth from him and wrapped it in some tissue and then gave him some tissue to dab his gums of whatever blood that was there. It did not hurt him because he had waited for it to fall off on its own, and he was so excited after that. He didn’t have a toothless grin because his permanent tooth had already half-grown in the place of the baby tooth which had fallen out. And he says he can now chew properly again. 🙂
When we reached home, I washed his tooth and put it in his tooth pouch. Look how tiny the little tooth was! 🙂

Ethan wrote a short note for the tooth fairy and I put the pouch and the note under his pillow before he went to bed.

I had asked Ethan what he hoped the tooth fairy would give him in return for his tooth, and he said, “Ummm….maybe a little gift or a treat?” (I was pleasantly surprised and proud that he didn’t say “some money” :))
However, at close to 2a.m. Ethan awoke and excitedly told Daddy the Tooth Fairy had paid him a visit! He had woken up and checked under his pillow! LOL
But Daddy managed to ask him to go back to bed first and get a better look in the morning….so here’s his little Tooth Fairy treat! 🙂

Our boy is now looking forward to future Tooth Fairy visits. He’s wondering when his next tooth is going to wobble!