Bible Verse of the Day

Funny Moments

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Cribside Chomping!

Hannah: Ethan, did Mommy peepee Emma out when she gave birth to her?

(Note: My kids were actually there in the delivery room when I gave birth to Emma)

Ethan: Hahaha…no Hannah.

Mommy (putting on Mommy-the-educator hat): No Hannah, when we peepee, the peepee comes out from the urethra.  But the baby comes out from the vagina.  Those are two different openings.

Hannah: Huh?  Peepee in the winter?

Mommy: Haha…no sweetie.  Not in the winter. Peepee from the urethra, NOT winter.  Baby from the vagina.

Ethan: What?  Baby from China?

Mommy: From the vagina, Ethan.  NOT China.

Laughter all around.

*Another edition of Morning Funnies on our school run*

While waiting for our food to arrive at a restaurant, Ethan was looking at the menu when he suddenly burst out laughing.

Ethan: Mommy…I see that they sell a drink here called Kick..a…..?
Mommy: Oh yeah, that’s Kickapoo, Ethan.
Ethan: Haha…KickaPOO?  Hahaha…Hannah…the drink is called Kick A POO!!
Hannah:  Hahaha…Kick a Poopoooo!!!

O. M. G.


Ethan and Hannah had waited till the clock struck midnight to wish their Daddy a Happy Father’s Day.  Then they presented him with gifts they had made.

Hannah made picture frame with her picture and a message that said, “I love you Daddy” and Ethan wrote an interesting account on Daddy for him in a huge card.  Hannah had also made a paper necktie and decorated it all by herself.  Those of you who follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram might have seen it, yes?

Well, in the morning, she asked Daddy to wear the tie while he had breakfast, but when we were on our way out for lunch, Hannah exclaimed, “Oh no…I wanted Daddy to wear the tie I made for him to lunch!”

Daddy said, “That’s okay Hannah, I’ll wear it at home..”

Hannah replied, “Wear it for dinner, okay, Daddy?”

Daddy said, “Just at home, all right?”

Hannah pleaded, “Dinner Daddy, please..????”

And Daddy said okay.

When dinnertime came and we were preparing to go out, Ethan conveniently “reminded” Daddy about the tie.  So Daddy wore the adorable tie to dinner at McDonald’s.

Ain’t it sweet? 🙂

Ethan: Mommy, what does BFF mean?
Me: BFF means Best Friends Forever.
Ethan: No Mommy, BFF means Big Fat Friend!  Hahaha!!!

Ethan: Look Mommy!  My little toe is the same size as Emma’s big toe!  In fact….I think it’s slightly bigger than her big toe!

Gosh, how fast my little kids grow! 🙂

While checking through Ethan’s homework one evening, I came across this “solution” my boy wrote for one of his Math questions:

Now, don’t you wish you had written that when you were in school? 🙂

Hannah did something really amusing today, which reminded me of what Ethan did a few years ago, when I was pregnant with Hannah.(Remember this?)

Today, I caught Hannah cheekily prancing around like this:

She had stuffed one of her favorite soft toys under her shirt and was pretending to be me!!

Cheekiness, much? …or is it just one of those Like Brother, Like Sister moments? 😀

After our “snowhill but no snowman” incident the other day, the kids had been pestering us to take them snowman-building again.

“Mommy, is the snow wet enough today to build a snowman?”

“Can we PLEASE go and build a snowman today?  I don’t mind building it in the dark!”

So on New Year’s Day morning, we promised the kids we would get our snowman built provided they got up early enough and that it was sunny.

And this would be me, giving them a headstart and a hand in the snowman-building project:

It’s hard work, and a very good workout! 🙂  Just imagine, your body needs to work extra hard to fight off the cold (especially when the wind starts blowing) and also, you need to keep rolling and patting the snowballs to make it larger and larger for the snowman, all the time making sure the snowballs stay intact and that the snowman doesn’t topple over!

The kids again enjoyed every moment of their time in the snow.  They had fun rolling the snowballs around and watching them grow bigger and bigger…and now, they also had Daddy to throw snowballs at!

After some really hard work and teamwork, we began to see the snowman take shape…

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Several days ago, when I figured there was snow thick enough to build a snowman, and the sun was out, I took the kids out for our snowman project.  The kids were, of course, more than eager to put on their winter jackets and get started.

We found a nice spot just outside our home, and before I knew it, the kids were already busy making snow angels!


Unfortunately though, the snow was too hard and dry for snowman-making.  We just could not pat it into balls.  All we got were big chunks of brittle ice.  The kids called them “icebergs”!

However, we still had a lot of fun building a snow hill, and playing with snow…


Yes, we had a blast…and some of us threw snow too!

I had to persuade the kids to come on indoors because my ears were starting to freeze!

We ended up with a nice little snow hill, which became a really smooth snow hill when it began to snow heavily a couple of days later.

The kids asked for hot Milo after our activity, which is always a nice comforting way to warm their tummies after a cold outing.

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