Bible Verse of the Day
“The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” -Romans 13:9-10 Listen to chapter

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In addition to her party at Adventurezone, Hannah wanted a small birthday cake cutting session in school too.  I guess at her age, she can never have enough parties, eh? 🙂

She had been indecisive about the birthday cake she wanted me to bake for her, but when I gave her a Princess Anna dress a few weeks ago, she decided that she wanted a Frozen-themed cake.  I had no idea she was into Frozen to begin with!! 🙂

Her actual birthdate fell on the day after her Adventurezone party, and since she had had an accident the evening before, she decided that she would only go to school for that half hour, to cut the cake and pass out party packs to her classmates.

This was the cake I baked for her: a Frozen-themed watercolor cake, with three layers of butter cake in three different colors, topped with buttercream frosting and blue glittery sugar.


Obviously I reduced the sugar content in the cake, because the frosting itself would have provided loads of sweetness.

Stuff we packed the party packs with: Customized Frozen-themed water bottles, homemade glitter playdough and custom-packed marshmallows.






Yes, my little girl borrowed my shell necklace … 






Her birthday continued at home as she opened up our presents for her… she got the watch from Daddy that she had been asking for 😛


…and a musical jewellery box from me (which was a pleasant surprise!)


It was a special day for a very special birthday girl!  Happy Birthday Hannah!

If you’ve ever had a child who is down with fever, you would know how worrying it is.  It is even worse when the child is a baby who cannot yet express herself or communicate how severe the pain is.

We were in that position a week or so ago when we returned from our recent Chinese New Year travels.  Emma suddenly developed a fever on a Saturday evening, after she had gotten up from her afternoon nap.  The fever was about 39ºC, and I promptly breastfed her in a marathon manner, interspersed with lots of fluids, Izumio hydrogenated water and S Lutein capsules.  I did not want to start on meds yet, hoping that the fever would go down.

The following day, it was still on the high side, around 38ºC, but she was active.  She didn’t want to take a lot of the Izumio water and Lutein capsules though and kept waving her hand at her throat, which led me to suspect that her throat was sore.  At night the fever shot up past 39ºC, and I decided to medicate with Brufen.  That helped a little but the fever came back in the morning.  I decided to take her to the doc.

Doc diagnosed her condition as a throat infection, and because the fever was still high, he suspected a bacterial infection, hence he prescribed antibiotics too.  I was reluctant to start the course of antibiotics but at the back of my mind, there was a nagging feeling of, “What if the doctor is right?  What if it’s a bacterial infection?”

So against my better judgment, I started her on the course.  Her fever was still yoyoing up and down, peaking at 40ºC even on Tuesday (which was 4 days after the initial onset of fever.  My understanding with antibiotics was that it would bring the fever down within a day provided it was indeed a bacterial infection.  If it was a viral fever, however, the fever would be still present after 4-5 days, sometimes up to a week!  However, doctors here would typically prescribe antibiotics if the fever was still above 38ºC after 3 days.

In any case, my mommy instincts told me that Emma could have been suffering from a viral fever all along, but since we had already started antibiotics, we had to finish the course.  The good thing was, her fever was going down, albeit slowly.  I continued with PCM every 4-6 hours and the Voren suppository if the fever went up beyond  38.5ºC.

By Wednesday, the fever was lowgrade and we could see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Tuesday was a worrying day because she hardly had appetite for anything, not even fluids.  I was ever so thankful that I was still breastfeeding her, and she was still nursing well.  That was her sole comfort and nutrition, and I am absolutely sure the breast milk helped her heal in leaps and bounds.


On Thursday she was back to her usual self, and the fever was a thing of the past.  The doctor had asked me to bring her in for a blood test if the fever still persisted on Thursday.  However, I noticed some red bumpy rashes on the trunk of her body and her cheeks.  A good friend of mine said this was symptomatic of roseola fever, but the rashes disappeared after a few hours.

I’m so happy to see Emma happy again and so much more vocal now.  I hope we never ever have to deal with the ordeal of fevers again.


Hannah had a birthday celebration with her friends at AdventureZone yesterday, which is a day before her birthday proper.  AdventureZone always makes the kids eager, excited and brings out the energy and adrenalin in everyone.







SOoooooo much easier to take pictures of the wee babes because the older ones were zipping past me so fast!!

Hannah conquered her fear of going down the blue slide and now confidently slides down it like a pro.

Next time, she says she’s gonna go down the “scary” red slide!





The kids all enjoyed themselves and even continued playing at the slide area after they were done with their food and cake.

However, an unfortunate accident happened when we got home. 🙁

Hannah tripped and fell and knocked her head on the open grille door in our house.  She had an open wound on her forehead and after I cleaned her up and gave her a quick shower, we took her to the doctor.  Thankfully, the doctor said the wound was a shallow one, and she only used 3 steristrips to hold it close.  Then she covered the wound with a sheet of waterproof plaster.  We will be going back to the medical center to have it removed 4-5 days later.

Despite the unfortunate incident, our little big girl Hannah, ever so courageous, remained cheerful and happy.  She came back home and asked to open her presents!


Happy Birthday dearest Hannah!

May your days be filled with happiness and rainbows now and forevermore!

Emma responds very well to instructions now.  She’s also beginning to imitate what people around her are doing, especially her siblings.

This is what she does every time we get ready for our bedtime prayers.  I’ll say, “Let’s pray” and Emma will assume this position.  Last night, she even said, “Pray!”



Hannah will turn 6 this year, and she is expecting her first tooth to drop any time soon.  It could be next year too, but we never know.  No wiggly tooth yet, but it could come at an unexpected time. Anyway just to be prepared, I made her a tooth pouch to bring to school too, just like I did one for Ethan last time….you know, just in case the inevitable happens when she is at school.


She was so happy to see that Mommy finally finished the project, and she even showed her tooth pouch to her teacher!

“Mommy, I really LOVE the tooth pouch you made for me!” she would gush every now and then.

It was my pleasure, sweetie! ♥

About five weeks ago, before the school holidays began, Ethan misplaced his sweater in school.  All the kids have the same type of sweater because it’s made as part of the uniform…something like that. So when he looked around for it and could not find it, he deduced that someone must have accidentally taken his.

We waited and looked for 3-4 days but nothing came up, not even in the Lost & Found.

Concluding that it was lost forever, Ethan took it as a lesson well learned.

However, just last night when I looked in his bag while getting it ready for school, I was SHOCKED to find his sweater tucked inside.  It is definitely his because he has his initials printed on the collar tag.  Ethan says he has no recollections of putting it in his bag, and he doesn’t remember anyone giving it to him on the last day of school too.


The only explanation is that the *borrowers* took it.  Dum-dum-DUUUMMMMMMMM!!!!!  Who can solve this mystery?

Yesterday, the kids wanted to take some time to write down their Christmas wishes, or wish list for Santa.  When they were done, they each hung it on the Christmas tree.  I found their wishes to be…. ummm…amusing! 🙂

Here’s what Hannah wrote:


See how detailed and specific she can get? 🙂

And I have no idea where she got that image of an Audrey Hepburn dress!

Here’s what Ethan wrote:


Check out wish no. 3!! LOL

Of course, then came the questions:

“Mommy, will Santa Claus be able to come in to our house since we don’t have a chimney?”

“Where do we send our wishes?”

“What if Santa Claus cannot find the stuff in our wish list?”

At one point, Ethan remarked, “Ha, maaaybe….the adults are tricking us!  There’s no Santa Claus and the adults will pretend to be Santa Claus and put the presents under the tree!  And the same thing happens with the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny, and all that…haha!”

Mommy replied, “If that’s the case, then how will the adults get their presents?”

Hannah said, “But the adults don’t WANT presents, right?  If they do, then the adults should make a list too!”

What do we do when both Ethan and Hannah receive two separate party invites on the same afternoon of the same day?

Why, one parent to a kid, of course….in my case, it’s one parent to a kid and a toddler!  Oh, did I mention that the parties were both pool parties?

Ambitious, much? 😛

I’ll let the pictures do the talking.







Remember our Sunflower Growing Competition back in September?  Well unfortunately Mommy and Daddy have been disqualified because no mater how many seeds I planted, none grew for us adults.  Bummer.


The kids’ sunflower plants, however, have been thriving!  Although Hannah’s seed was the last to sprout, it looks like her plant is the tallest among the three now.


We’re just waiting for that first bud to show! 🙂


Just like chicken soup that warms the tummy, it warms my heart to see them playing together like this.  Certainly makes the sighs and grumbles of the day worth the while. 

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