Bible Verse of the Day

While waiting for our food to arrive at a restaurant, Ethan was looking at the menu when he suddenly burst out laughing.

Ethan: Mommy…I see that they sell a drink here called Kick..a…..?
Mommy: Oh yeah, that’s Kickapoo, Ethan.
Ethan: Haha…KickaPOO?  Hahaha…Hannah…the drink is called Kick A POO!!
Hannah:  Hahaha…Kick a Poopoooo!!!

O. M. G.

Lately I started to teach Hannah how to pray. I figured it’s about the right time now since Ethan learnt to pray roughly around the same age too.

She asked a lot of questions.

“Where is God?”
“Is God in our hearts all the time?”
“Why don’t we see God?”
“Do bad guys go to heaven?”

I told her that we can talk to God any time we want and wherever we are.  For a start, I suggested a good time would be at bedtime. She could say a simple sentence every night to thank God for something..anything..she could think of.  I told her to think of it as a “conversation with God”.

Initially she didn’t know what to say or how to do it but after some prompting, she started producing ideas of her own….every night, without fail.

“Dear God,” she would start,
“Thank you for my clothes.”
“Thank you for my teachers.”
“Thank you for my meals today.”

She ends each prayer with, “In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

Tonight she said: “Dear God, thank you for the best mommy in the world!”

My heart melted.

And then she said, “I love you, Mommy!”

“I love you too, sweetie!”

I must have done something really good to deserve such a loving and sweet miracle. 🙂

Scrap Credits
Joyeux Noel QP from Fancy Bird Design


About 8 kilos.


Not measured.


2 bottom incisors.

Motor Skills

  • Emma crawls pretty comfortably now.  She can move from sitting to crawling and back to sitting position easily.  She can sometimes spend a little longer on the floor playing with her baby toys.
  • She love pulling herself up to standing position and is showing signs of cruising soon.  She absolutely loves it when we praise her for doing a good job standing up.
  • Everything goes into the mouth.

Communication and Social Skills

  • Still waiting for that first “Mommy”…although we hear a lot of “Mamamama……”
  • She loves it when I involve her to clap her hands.
  • Very interested in her siblings’ Lego pieces.  She makes a conscious attempt to crawl to those pieces but she is always stopped by us.  Ethan and Hannah will say, “No Emma…when you are 18 months, you can play with the Lego Duplo.  This is not for you!”


  • Constant moisturizing of her skin is essential, at least 4-5 times a day, in the process of healing her eczema.
  • We’re hoping our new place (with less dust) will be key to curing her eczema.

Food and Feeding

Her diet is mostly 100% on Mommy’s milk, and she eats mostly fruits at other times.  I will be starting her off on some protein soon.

Elementary School Sports Day!!

… he orders the Grilled Salmon entrée and you get his kiddie meal instead.

I have “helpers” now to assist me in babysitting Emma.  That’s Ethan’s hand right there moving the toy for her, and both Ethan and Hannah have no qualms about sharing their toys with Emma.

Here’s to more mobile days ahead!

Scrap Credits
Dried Roses QP from Marie


7.5 kilos as at last well-child checkup on 8/15. Slightly below the 50 percentile on the weight-for-age chart.


66cm as at last well-child checkup on 8/15.  Slightly below the 50 percentile on the height-for-age chart.  However, her head circumference of 44cm is above the 50 percentile.


2 bottom incisors.

Motor Skills

  • Emma can crawl forward slowly now.  It helps when we place a little toy in front of her so she has a goal to reach.  We find that it is easier for her to crawl when her legs are not covered in her sleep-n-plays.  She sometimes does commando-crawl on her tummy, but sometimes she is slowly trying to crawl on her hands and knees too.
  • Emma can sit unsupported for longer periods of time now.  She loves to splash at water in the bathtub during bath times.
  • She can pull herself up to standing and sometimes half-standing position, either in her crib (using the railings) or when we hold her hands.
  • Her pincer’s grip is getting stronger and steadier.
  • She loves to balance herself on her side with both legs extended sideways.

Communication and Social Skills

  • Emma is beginning to make the sound “Mmmm” or sometimes she will just say the letter “M” when she wants me.  Lately I think I have heard her say “Mama…” 🙂
  • She loves it when we sing and clap our hands.
  • Continues to be a very smiley happy baby.


  • Constant moisturizing of her skin is essential, at least 4-5 times a day, in the process of healing her eczema.

Food and Feeding

Her diet is mostly 100% on Mommy’s milk, although she has tried several types of food thus far, albeit in small quantities.  Some of the new food that she has tried are:

  • Papaya
  • Plums
  • Dragonfruit slices
  • Grapes (just sucking on the juice)

Her pediatrician has also recommended that we start Emma on a daily dose of 1ml multivitamin.  In addition to supplementing her diet, it would hopefully also help to heal her skin more quickly.

About a week before the last day of school, Hannah told me that there was going to be a special dress-up party in school on the day before the school holidays were to start.  She learns phonics using Letterland characters, and her teacher had told her class that they each were to choose one of the Letterland characters to dress up as.

The following day, I found out from her teacher that in addition to dressing up, they each had to bring a food item that began with the sound made by that Letterland character.  For example, Clever Cat could bring cupcakes, cheese or carrots.

So after some deliberation and discussion with Hannah, she decided that she wanted to be Zig Zag Zebra.  I even French-braided her hair for her that morning…because that’s the closest we could get to a zebra’s mane!

And when I asked her what on earth I could possibly make that began with Z, she immediately exclaimed, “Zucchini Pie!”

You see, I had made Zucchini Pie a few weeks ago, and had asked Hannah and Ethan to help out then, so I guess that’s why she remembered.

So the night before saw me making this…it’s actually not Zucchini Pie per se, but more like mini Zucchini Pies or Zucchini tots.  Tastes awesome and plus, the kids are getting their greens with this one too! 🙂


Hannah also presented cute handmade bookmarks to her teachers as a token of gratitude.  She had picked those flowers during one of our evening walks and we pressed it in a book.  I then laminated them for her.

Goodbye Nursery, we’re looking forward to a splendid and exciting year ahead next year in K1!

We’ve noticed that Hannah seems to have a excellent eye for art.  Even at a young age before, she would enjoy looking at pictures, drawing them and then coloring them.  She loves depicting and envisioning images on paper and it is a joy to see Hannah use colors and make them come to life.

This is a recent picture she did.  It’s a birthday cake she drew for Mickey Mouse’s and Minnie Mouse’s birthday:

This one is a combo picture of a smoothie or milkshake, a rainbow, a whirlpool (brown thing at 10 o’clock location), two trees, a green apple and (maybe) a purple monster:

One of the many pictures she draws for me regularly:

A watermelon slice:

She asked me to print out a picture of Ariel because she wanted to color it.  Then she asked me to teach her how to draw a star…that would explain the many stars she drew all over the picture! 🙂

A vegetable garden: see if you can name all the different vegetables!  Gotta love her butterflies and birds too! 😀

She simply LOVES drawing rainbows!  This one was a “Welcome home, Daddy!” gift to greet Daddy after his business trip home from US.

During the minion craze…

And recently, she brought these home from school:

Hannah explained that in this following picture, she was instructed to use only shapes to create pictures.  I was especially impressed when she said she used hearts for the crab pincers and a trapezoid for the roof of the house. 🙂

About a month or so ago, Hannah went on a school field trip to the Penang State Museum.  It was her very first school trip since she’d rejoined her class after our return from The States.  Ordinarily, I would have wanted to tag along to take a few pictures for my own keepsake, but since I now had a clingy baby with me, I asked a favor from a friend of mine (whose son was Ethan’s classmate in K2) to help to take some pictures.  (You know who you are, thank you!!)

Here are some of the pictures from the trip… 🙂

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