Bible Verse of the Day

Growing Up

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About a week before the last day of school, Hannah told me that there was going to be a special dress-up party in school on the day before the school holidays were to start.  She learns phonics using Letterland characters, and her teacher had told her class that they each were to choose one of the Letterland characters to dress up as.

The following day, I found out from her teacher that in addition to dressing up, they each had to bring a food item that began with the sound made by that Letterland character.  For example, Clever Cat could bring cupcakes, cheese or carrots.

So after some deliberation and discussion with Hannah, she decided that she wanted to be Zig Zag Zebra.  I even French-braided her hair for her that morning…because that’s the closest we could get to a zebra’s mane!

And when I asked her what on earth I could possibly make that began with Z, she immediately exclaimed, “Zucchini Pie!”

You see, I had made Zucchini Pie a few weeks ago, and had asked Hannah and Ethan to help out then, so I guess that’s why she remembered.

So the night before saw me making this…it’s actually not Zucchini Pie per se, but more like mini Zucchini Pies or Zucchini tots.  Tastes awesome and plus, the kids are getting their greens with this one too! 🙂


Hannah also presented cute handmade bookmarks to her teachers as a token of gratitude.  She had picked those flowers during one of our evening walks and we pressed it in a book.  I then laminated them for her.

Goodbye Nursery, we’re looking forward to a splendid and exciting year ahead next year in K1!

We’ve noticed that Hannah seems to have a excellent eye for art.  Even at a young age before, she would enjoy looking at pictures, drawing them and then coloring them.  She loves depicting and envisioning images on paper and it is a joy to see Hannah use colors and make them come to life.

This is a recent picture she did.  It’s a birthday cake she drew for Mickey Mouse’s and Minnie Mouse’s birthday:

This one is a combo picture of a smoothie or milkshake, a rainbow, a whirlpool (brown thing at 10 o’clock location), two trees, a green apple and (maybe) a purple monster:

One of the many pictures she draws for me regularly:

A watermelon slice:

She asked me to print out a picture of Ariel because she wanted to color it.  Then she asked me to teach her how to draw a star…that would explain the many stars she drew all over the picture! 🙂

A vegetable garden: see if you can name all the different vegetables!  Gotta love her butterflies and birds too! 😀

She simply LOVES drawing rainbows!  This one was a “Welcome home, Daddy!” gift to greet Daddy after his business trip home from US.

During the minion craze…

And recently, she brought these home from school:

Hannah explained that in this following picture, she was instructed to use only shapes to create pictures.  I was especially impressed when she said she used hearts for the crab pincers and a trapezoid for the roof of the house. 🙂

About a month or so ago, Hannah went on a school field trip to the Penang State Museum.  It was her very first school trip since she’d rejoined her class after our return from The States.  Ordinarily, I would have wanted to tag along to take a few pictures for my own keepsake, but since I now had a clingy baby with me, I asked a favor from a friend of mine (whose son was Ethan’s classmate in K2) to help to take some pictures.  (You know who you are, thank you!!)

Here are some of the pictures from the trip… 🙂

My kids have a truly affectionate bond with my parents, i.e. their maternal grandparents.  Ethan and Hannah especially are very much attached to Ah Ma and Ah Kong from Ipoh.  When Ah Ma comes for a visit on her own, Ethan and Hannah will have to make a most *difficult* decision on who would get to sleep together with Ah Ma.

However, this time around, Ah Ma and Ah Kong both came for a short visit.  Ethan and Hannah were naturally very excited.  They had lots of things to talk and discuss with Ah Ma and Ah Kong, lots of games to play, including question games and spelling games.  Even then, Hannah would sometimes ask if she could take a short nap with Ah Kong in the afternoons.

Yes, such is their fondness for Ah Ma and Ah Kong, whom I’m sure love and adore them to bits too. 🙂

Ethan and Hannah would make interesting remarks like, “Mmmmm….now the room smells like Ah Ma and Ah Kong!  NICE!”

Ethan can even independently follow Ah Kong and Ah Ma around without me being around now.  He loves tagging along when they have their breakfast at the coffee shop and doesn’t even mind taking a walk back home with them.  Of course, Ah Ma tells me that Ethan’s pace is getting a little too fast now!  Haha….

Emma is still very attached to me though, but there are some signs that she would grow fond of Ah Ma and Ah Kong soon too.

Here’s to more happy times ahead with Ah Ma and Ah Kong! 😀

For the past couple of weeks, sleeping at night has been a whirlwind of inconsistency and disturbance.  Emma would wake up crying and kicking, unable to fall back to sleep even after being breastfed.  I’ve had to carry and rock her and sometimes bring her outside to our living room and eventually she would fall asleep.  By the time I’d realized it, it would be close to dawn and almost time for me to wake up (normally).

Initially I thought it was attributed to her 6th month growth spurt, but just last week, as she was sucking on my finger, I felt a rough edge on her bottom gum.  Upon closer inspection, I realized that…yes, our girl has cut her first teeth!  We can definitely see her 2 bottom incisors peeking out from her gums, and finally that’s when it all made sense!

Here’s a quick photo I took of her today…if you zoom in really closely, you can see the incisors 🙂

I’m excited for my baby girl, but in the same vein…*yawn* I’m yearning for more sleep!

(By the way, October seems to be a favorite month for all my kids to start teething:  Ethan’s first teeth & Hannah’s first teeth)

Recently, Ethan has developed a passion (or addiction) for reading books from the Geronimo Stilton series.  I take full credit for starting the ball rolling. 🙂

You see, early this month, while Ethan was having his soccer practice, Hannah and I hung out at the library, and on a whim, I decided to borrow a couple of Geronimo Stilton books for him.  Well, whaddya know?  He LOVES them!

He even asked me to print out a list of all the Geronimo Stilton books so he can check them off as he completed reading each one.  He borrows at least 2-3 Geronimo Stilton books from the library every week and he can finish reading one book in less than an hour now! 🙂

So anyway, as Ethan and I were discussing book reports the other day, I asked him if he would like to write a book report on one of the Geronimo Stilton books he had read and he was up for it.  So here’s his first book report:

Please disregard the ratings at the bottom of the report.  The kids were playing Master Chef and giving the “dishes” their own ratings…

Children are tomorrow’s generation, and who better to carry the mindset of change better than children themselves?  With ever-open minds that absorb knowledge like a sponge, a child’s education is determined by his upbringing and his exposure to events around him.  As parents, we play a pivotal role in ensuring our children get a wholesome education not just for now, but for life.  We are examples for our children through what we do and say.

A couple of months ago, while we were in Six Flags, a lady manning the cash register struck a conversation with Ethan.

Lady: Hey buddy…how are you doing?
Ethan: Good!
Lady: Did you have a great time today?
Ethan: Yes, we had so much fun!
Lady: Where are you guys from?  Are you guys Chinese?
Ethan: No.  We’re Malaysians!

Earlier last week, I was with Ethan and Emma at the bank, to open a savings account for Emma.  While getting the documentation sorted out, Ethan was waiting for me at the side when one of the bank officers/tellers started making small talk with him.

Bank Officer: Is your father an Englishman? (I think she meant Caucasian.  We get that a lot because a lot of people seem to think our kids look mixed…well, anyway…)
Ethan: No he’s not.
Bank Officer: No?
Ethan: Yeah, my Dad is a Malaysian!
Bank Officer: Malaysian? But Malaysian got 3 TYPES wor… Malay, Chinese and Indian.  Which one? (What the..??  Now you see how most Malaysians are still bent on race)
Ethan: Malay!


I’m extremely proud of Ethan that without any prompting from us, he can confidently answer that he is a Malaysian, forgoing the need to stress whether it’s Malay, Chinese, Indian or “lain-lain”.  If only more Malaysians can think the same way…

Happy Malaysia Day, everyone!

Ethan expressed an interest to learn how to cook, and today I told him he could fry an egg for me for lunch. 🙂

After all, seven is as good an age as any to learn how to cook, no?

I let him crack the egg into a bowl on his own; choose the egg from the fridge and hit it firmly on the edge of the bowl, then pull the shells apart so the egg slides gently into the bowl (he did it beautifully, with the yolk intact, and no remnants of eggshells floating inside).

Then I turned on the stove and explained that the pan needs to be hot before we poured the oil in.

Then Ethan poured the egg into the pan and waited for it to cook, and then he used a spatula to lift the egg out of the pan and onto my plate.

He was so pleased with himself, and he’s asking me what he will be cooking tomorrow.

Are there any Junior Masterchef classes in Penang? 😀

Hannah had been looking forward to this day for the longest time.  We had been having nightly chats about school and she had become increasingly excited about seeing all her friends again, getting reacquainted and just plain doing anything in school.

The day before, she had helped me pack her bag, and chose her outfit for the day.  She even chose what snack to bring!  Today, she woke up extra early, and got ready without any fuss.  We reached school in time for breakfast and she met one of her closest friends who had arrived at approximately the same time as her.

Her teachers and friends were overjoyed to see her, and I think it was mutual.  I walked her to class, made sure she settled down for breakfast, gave her a hug and kiss and told her I’ll be back at 12:30p.m. to pick her up.

When I did, she proudly exclaimed, “I had so much FUN today, Mommy!”

And that just makes my day.  Absolutely. 🙂

The kids were playing their own version of Cash Cab in the car one day.  They actually do this a lot, and it’s amazing to see how much they have learnt!  Also, it’s awesome to see Ethan imparting his knowledge to his sister this way.

Ethan: Okay Hannah.  Here’s the question, listen carefully, alright?   What’s the hottest planet in our solar system?
Hannah: Errr….
Ethan: Okay… A: Mercury; B: Venus; and C: Earth
Hannah: Ummm….. B: Venus!
Ethan: What about you, Mommy?
Mommy: A: Mercury!
Ethan: The correct answer is…. (pauses for effect) …………. VENUS!
Hannah: Yay!!!!
Mommy: Hey, no way!  Are you sure, Ethan?  Mercury is the closest planet to the sun!
Ethan: Yes Mommy, but Venus is the hottest!
Mommy: And where did you read that from?
Ethan: From my Encyclopedia of Knowledge!  I’ll show you when we get home, Mommy!  Venus is the hottest planet because it has a layer of carbon dioxide gas that traps the heat in!

And indeed, my little boy is right.

Refer to this article for more detailed information.

And I’m the happiest Mommy in the world to be proven wrong. 🙂

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