What I envisage is not an event or series of events, and not something that entails expansive and expensive preparations (or expensive presents). The essence of PLAY is childlike. It is what all children do naturally. Therefore, a WORLD PLAY DAY should be a day of total attention to each other, from generation to generation. A day when children and adults do what they want to do. A day that is relaxed and emphasizes human interaction. We do not need to stop the world for a day. We play in our own place, home, school or work place. Perhaps I am describing an attitude rather than an activity. A day that is FUN, shows adults and children in interactive situations promoting the healthy growth of each other in simple, self-motivated activities of their own choice. If everyone in the world can do this on the same day each year we will have a WORLD PLAY DAY.
– Dr Freda Kim, Founder, World Play Day
Before this year, I had not even heard of World Play Day. So it was a great surprise and experience to all of us when the kids’ school decided to organize an event in conjunction with World Play Day this year.
World Play Day is celebrated on May 28th each year, and it’s a day where kids and adults alike dedicate to the art of play.
Sounds like fun, yeah?
Not even the hot afternoon sun could dampen the spirits of these beautiful kids. The celebration of World Play Day started with some warm-up exercises, which the kids were all to eager to participate in.
It was then followed by the singing of the official World Play Day song.
And then the fun began. 🙂